(Arc 2----Battle of The Strongest ) :The start

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The terrible singing of the warriors stopped and Rou Hua Heng sigh in relief inside before she put her cold yet elegant posture and her poker face as she ascend to the artificial stage .

Phew! I nearly spurt blood just to stop myself from laughing ah hays! Who told them to sing in the middle of forest just to show their gratitude ah

"Greetings to General Rou!" The warriors shouted and bowed at the same time

Hua Heng nods and make them rise their heads. She studies each and everyone of them from head to toe as she activate her sensor.Rou Hua is silent as she observes them, didn't she knows that her subordinates are sweating at her gaze.

G-general is so scary ah why is he looking at is with such scary gaze ah!

The more they think the more their nervousness grew. They look at their General pitifully as if asking him to stop staring them.

Hua Heng finally stops her intense gaze and the warriors can't help to drew a big breaths and swat their sweaty foreheads.

Weird is the temperature hot?

Hua Heng though, if the others knew her thinking they will smack their heads and curse her from being absent minded to others.

"I see all of your cultivation increased and it surpassed my calculation indeed Good! But don't overjoyed yet cause these levels are only par on all of the weake- ehem some copper and silver general's warriors. Continue to work and neither follow what I order and all of you will see the results!"

The warriors stomp their right foots and slam their chest and roar with fury this is their sign of acceptance,respect,and loyalty to their General. Even the five vice commanders (changing the five trusted warriors to vice commanders^^) were surprised and praised the warriors expressing their loyalty towards their mistress. Rou Hua Heng grinned at them and signaled to stop but inside she was so touch and wants to go over and slap their back as she laugh and praise at them.

Huhuhuhu this is unfair I can't be so friendly ah this girl's attitude is a little conservative ah hayst!

"At your levels all of you can be qualified to show yourself with pride to the coming battle of the strongest army!" She added and again the warriors cheered

Inside of them in the past year they are at the bottom of rank but now that their General was awakened and trained them at their best, they are confident to fight tooth to tooth and flesh to flesh to the other generals army. Their already bright eyes shines again another light of fury and desire to battle. They want to go to the arena again and show their new skills and strength they cultivated for a long time.

Rou Hua Heng was satisfied at their expressions," One month before the battle we will continue to train and cultivate more. I,General Rou, will challenge all of you to grow more of your levels and surprised me like what all of you did to me today! Give me the satisfaction I need or else I'll call of you chickens that can't even lay their eggs Hmph!" She look at them with her arrogant expression and mocking gaze

Who in the world can't be irritated if somebody look at them like a weakling that can be easily to bullied? Of course none! The warriors even her vice commanders twitch their lips and with accusative and dark look at her. They silently cursed their General who is looking at them with mocking gaze.

General is a devil! A black bellied devil!

Hua Heng didn't know that after her confrontation, she was called a devil hiding on beautiful face by her peers.

She look at them and saw their dark looks staring at her.

Did I just make them hate me instead of motivating them? Ah this ancient era is sure have no common sense ah!

Hehehe too short again^^

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