The Flag Hunt (3)

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"Don't worry  I have something in mind to install time " Hua Heng said with a cunning grin plastered on her masked face

Her two commanders looked each others faces. Looking at their similar faces with similar expression the twins shivered in-

The twins shivered in excitement for anything that their miss is thinking about. As a natural pranksters and someone who loves to seek different kinds of  tricks, the twins were anticipating what kind of strategy will their miss implore. With eager faces and shining eyes they looked at their miss with mischievous smiles.

Why did they looked like dogs wagging their tails as if they are looking to a meat and ready to pounce on me ah

"Guys, this is the plan" Hua Heng ignored the twins doggy faces and smirk

"Ran and Ren come let's hide here first I don't want the plan to gets spoiled" what Hua Heng means are the audience who where watching there every move

The three scooted inside the tall and bushy leaves.

"Whoa I never though there is a space here" Ran whistled looking around

"And cramped too" Ren can't help to add with an uncomfortable face

Hua Heng and the twins were so close to each other with only 2 inch space difference. While the two guys were uncomfortable especially having their miss close to themselves, their miss was looking them with smirk and appreciation? 😅

On some thoughts these twins are first grade bah fufufu look at those jaded skin, red cherry lips and alluring brown eyes ah

These twins are a pair of charming pranksters

After slightly ogling at her commanders, she fakely cough to get their attention.

"This is the plan, Ran do you have our flags?"

"Yes, General" Ran pulled out a small pouch which contains the three flags

"I want the two of you get one flag each ad strap it anywhere in your body"

"Huh? Why? Is it easier to hide it like in your space bag miss?"

"Do I look someone who wants a boring game of hide and seek? It's more exciting and more fair to others bah and it is also the same like our opponents" Hua Heng nonchalantly said

"How do you know general if they also put their flags on their body where can be seen?"

"I just know don't ask anymore" she smirks

It is true that the four other teams decided to put their own flag on their own body, their reason are all the same with Rou Hua's point of view.

Its more comfortable and exciting this way

The twins followed her orders. Mo Ran put his own flag around his neck folding it to looked like a mask while Mo Ren put his own flag on his forehead as he folded it into bandana.

Yep they looked cooler like bah

Hua Heng praised inside while a certain man snorts.

"Did I just hear you snort, brother?" a young beautiful man turned and looked at his brother


"Seems not" and turn away again to watch the bushy leaves moves

"😑" the man in black already dark and cold aura doubled  without even knowing except the young man beside him whose face smiling like a fox

Hua Heng her tied own flag around her right arm and shooed her commanders out from the bushes.

"It's time for plan B, the two of you spread this bottle 1 km were Ran saw the other team make sure spread it all out bah" she told them before kicking their butt's out which earn two loud whine from the twins

Before the twins ask what's inside the crystal bottles on their hands. They were quickly shooed out by their miss kicking their butts. Receiving an order from their general, tge twins without adieu disappeared to fulfill their duties.

"They're gone already? Hmmmm..... Well that's good, it will be sure worth of seeing their priceless faces when they'll know what's inside those bottles hehehe" she smirked and giggled like a devil

She walks towards the  slightly burning charcoals with her eyes shining.

"I never thought that my sweet potatoes will be baked in a matter of minutes" Hua Heng pulled out one wrapped in a silver foil and opened it to see the sweet potato with an already  cracked black skin

"It's ugly on the outside but you'll never know what's the beauty inside of it bah" she smirked as she slowly peeled the charred skin

In the hologram the people who's following Hua Heng moves, were narrowing their eyes just to see what kind of thing is inside the charred fruit.

When Hua Heng peeled the first half layer of the charred skin, a golden color appeared which earned gasps of many.  As Hua Heng peeled the remaining skin, more golden color skin was revealed making the audience desire to know whats the taste of the golden fruit that is in the hands of Hua Heng.

"Is that a sweet potato?" the Emperor caught the sight and ask in surprise

"Dear, it is but I never seen a sweet potato that is baked inside a burning coals... And isn't that a root vegetable that is eaten by herbivore beasts?" the queen said with a surprise look

The Emperor laughed as he looked at his beloved wife, "My Empress even I the Emperor knows that thing can be eaten by people not only beasts and it is also sweet and yummy to eat especially this season, that kid knows it bah"

The Emperor thought that most of the people especially nobles didn't know that those potatoes can be eaten but he was surprise to see the youngster knows about it.

"Interesting fufufufu" he mumbles as he Stoke his long silvery beard

"How beautiful! Look at that thing it is golden! A golden fruit! My dear why I never seen a fruit like that?" his Empress was gasping as she fully looked at the potatoes which is fully peeled by Hua Heng

"I never know dear let's ask the young general after this bah" the Emperor sighly said earning a joyful pinch from his empress

"Aiyo!" (-3-)

Hua Heng looked at her snack drooling. She is ready to eat her first bite when a little squeeky voice rings inside her head.

*Master!! Share with me! Share with me!! I wanna eat some too! *

Frowning, Hua Heng grudgingly halfed the sweet potato into two and slip inside her dimension.

*Yay! Ouchy! It's hot! Hot! Hot! Wahhh my food! *

"Hmph! Better not ask another one cause I will not give another"

She chomped down her first bite and moaned as the food melts inside her mouth.

"Delicious!!" she never thought that the sweet potato is so delicious, more delicious than the sweet potatoes in her past world

While waiting for her two commanders return, she collected the remaining potatoes and sat on top of the tree branches as she savored her hot delicious potatoes.

The audience who were watching her pigging the golden delicy were scolding her in their minds for making them hungry and curious about the golden fruit she is eating happily.

"Give us some!" the audience drooled


Heyyoo guys! Miss me? Lol just joking hehhehehe😜✌️Happy vacation day everyone

Sorry for not updating for so longgggggggg and I hope I can catch up to my writing

See on Wednesday for more chapters 😘

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