Face off

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Hai! Another chapter is in! Hohohohoh ah?! Look up👆 It is........Wuxia I mean Hua Heng hohohoho but who is the lucky one that is getting pulled??! Who is that person? Is he the one? Hehehehehehehehe


The silvers fight is coming to an end , only three Armies were left as the others where all knocked down by them.  General  Tao, Ping and Qing faced each other with different expressions as their soldiers were at halt behind them waiting for their leaders to start the final wave.

"Yoh! At last all of us are fated to fight each other ah hahahaha Wenwen let's fight!" General Tao Tong happily shouted as he holds his gyaku  and pointed it to Wen Ping's direction, while this general Tao is smiling happily but if you looked closely his expression can be compared to a predetor who is waiting for his prey to act

"Don't be full of yourself,Tao" Wen Ping coldy replied as his five sword were again on his side floating and also pointing at the two generals

"Wei? Why I, Mu Qing , can be easily ignored by a tall childish guy and a cold brat? Oh oh are the two of you is looking down at me? Aye! This general is so dissapointed ah!'' Mu Qing joined the two as he smiled wickedly as he hold his horse reigns in an elegant manner with his nose pointing at the sky clearly showing that he is looking down at them

Tao Tong and Wen Ping look at him with cold and ridiculous look as they clicked their tongues and sneered.

Compare to the previous were all of them is chatting harmoniously,today, all of them are eyeing each other like enemies as they start to battle verbally waiting for the other to snap and start the battle. The audience were also at the edge as they looked at the big hologram like screen staring and watching intently. Rou Hua Heng and her soldiers were also watching intently.

''As expected, these three pillar's battle is the most interesting part to watch" Yu Heng commented

"Of course who wouldn't want to watch these great men's battle prowress ah!''Du Fang added

The two of them was chattering endlessly as they exchange views making the others frown and glared at them especially the focused Hua Heng.



"OUCH!/AIYA!" the two of them touched the back of their heads

"Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu! That hurts! Ah! My head it's swollen! Ah!"

"Who hit me?!" Yu Heng angrily spat

"Me! What can you do ah!?" Hua Heng angrily spat


''Nothing, General'' Yu Heng squeak

"Hmph! The two of you shut up and watch silently or I'll kick the two of you!"she reprimanded and turn around when the crowds erupted

"Damn! I missed! My first bet ahhhhh!You two come here I'm gonna kick your asses!"

"............" The two of them quickly distanced themselves further

):8(---Hua Heng

))0×0(( (0∆o))-------The two

"The two of come closer to this general! I'm gonna beat all your butts!!"

The two idiots hugged each other as the screamed"Kyyyahhhh!!!"

The first who threw the signal is General Tao Tong as usual, as he charges the two also went all out and the sounds of roars from the soldiers rang. Their weapons clang and sparks as it clashes to one another along with the crowd's roar.

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now