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Hua Heng looked at her with an interesting look.

"Lady, what's your name?" - Hua 

"It's an honor to communicate with you, your excellency, my name is Nahla," Nahla said as she bowed. 

"Just call me Hua, Miss Nahla " Hua Heng smiled 

A blush spread across the gloomy woman's face as she blushed and called him "Mr. Hua."

Wade snorted as he mused, "What a killer!"

"Do you harbor hatred towards the governor?" - Hua

"Yes I do but not only to me but also to all of us here" Nahla began to tell their horrific stories of what they struggled with until Wade offered them to join him in taking down the corrupt governor

"We must capture or destroy the governor's business ships to ascertain where he hides our people who are being held captive with the intention of being sold as slaves abroad! Not only does that sick governor treat his own governed people as his money tree providing him a profit, but he also satisfies himself by sexually assaulting some of the girls he captures!" Nahla's green eyes shone as she reverted to her sea form slowly.

"Nahla calm down" Caspian held her shoulder squeezing it slightly 

" So Nahla's younger sister was captured, Caspian's family was unlawfully executed for refusing to pay exorbitant taxes, and many others as well, while Wade, the real pirate, assisted all of you in fighting, did I get that right?"-Hua

 " Hold it! I didn't just help them for that reason!" Wade looked at Hua Heng excitedly

"So did you also experience related to him?" Hua Heng ask

" I didn't tell you all this, but I only want to avenge myself against the governor for firing artillery at my ship while I sought a tranquil fishing day ah" Wade takes great pride in evoking a small drama as he recounted his ruined fishing day and his struggle to pay for repairs to his ship.

"......." -Everyone

"Oh? So what all of you will do next?" Hua Heng with a deadpanned face shifted her attention to Caspian who she thought the most reliable to talk to

"Eh? Did I say something bad why are you talking plans with Caspian and not me?" Wade pouts

"......" Nahla and others also shifted their attention to Caspian and Hua Heng if ignoring their dramatic captain

" Up to this point, we've been gathering information from the settlement and destroying the majority of the governor's ships, as well as plundering all the boxes; now that we've met you, we'd like to request your assistance, since we can tell that you're more capable than us." Caspian was straightforward in his aim and bowed at her.

" We begged the General to help us get our justice!" Nahla and others followed as well 

" So, General, what is your decision?" Wade shot her an interesting look.

" That's simple" Hua Heng let out another cunning smile

"Request accepted! Please accept my thanks. Because this is our responsibility, I will gladly enlist the assistance of any dependable forces necessary to resolve the issue as swiftly as possible." Hua Heng extended her hand in front of Wade, and the pirate leader gratefully accepted it as a symbol of their allegiance.

"We will resume this conversation when I have informed my comrades. We should all meet three days from now on this same ship, but first I'd want to propose that you all take note of what I'm about to say, as it will benefit us all later." - Hua

Everyone nodded, and Hau Heng began speaking what she intended, surprising her listeners, but they still did as she instructed.

Hua Heng leaps from the ship as it comes to a stop on the deck and walks away without looking back. Wade and his companions keep an eye on her back as it is devoured by darkness.

"Will he truly assist us?" Nahla inquires abruptly.

" He will, he is a general with a good sense of morality, and the emperor is already aware of what is occurring here," Wade stated confidently

"Then, captain, we will take your word for it," Caspian stated, while the other agreed with a nod

At night, Hua Heng returned to the brothel. Cai Fei, the owner, approached him as she entered

"How are things doing with your investigation, General?" Cai Fei inquires

Hua Heng regarded him with a smirking look.

"At the very least, it is productive."

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now