Rou Hua Heng

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Wuxia was still muddled as she stares the two males clad in a warrior robes,stunned the two stare at their General who is always silent and shivers every time she wokes up but today she didn't shiver but she screams causing the two to questioned their minds ,"Did the Sun rise on the west today?why is their General acting weird today?

"General are you alright?" The man in black rune robe ask politely with a hint of worry on his voice

Wuxia snaps at her dream land and look at the two handsome men on her side, drooling (you're a perverted woman,Wuxia)

Damn! They are good looking! she grinned as she look at them head to toe again.The two men saw their General's grins and as she looks at them up and down giving them a goosebumps,they shivered.

General's stare is... Scary

Before Wuxia can speak shameless phrases about the two guys, her head was attack again with the memories of the body.

Freaking hell! I hate headaches the most!

The body she was possessing is named Ruo Hua Heng the daughter of the former and famous General Rou Shui who is the strongest General of the kingdom of Guo,she is now 19 years old.

An old maiden as their traditions says but her looks is still so young and maintained unlike the others but the thing is her face is devastatingly beautiful. She volunteered to be the substitute of her brother due to the poison on his body which is confirmed as a slow reacting poison that paralyzed all parts of the body slowly. If they can't find cure sooner the body will become paralyze forever and there is also possibility of dying.

Her father and mother also her brother and the rest of her beloved family disagreed on her decision but Rong Hua Heng is a stubborn as a bull lik her father and brother so in the end she entered to palace as a General as she finally obtained the reculant agreement of her father and mother.

The current body Wuxia is possessing knows martial arts too but the martial arts she knows we're not suitable for fighting rough styles and due to her already weak body and added of having a yang energy which is not compatible for battles she was demoted to the lowest rank of generals,Bronze Rank and earn the title of the useless General .

One month after she joined the barracks, her Family Clan met a disasters causing major crisis of the family, her father is still a general but he suffered an injury after the war of the fittest and lost unjustly due to a conspiracy of the ministers and other jealous Generals,her mother was so depressed due to the occurring problems and almost die due to attempt suicide but quickly saved by her families love and care,her brother is getting weaker and weaker due to the poison and her clan members was being attacked by unknown assassins and bandits causing many casualties but thankfully none of them died but many members are in coma or crippled.

Due to the declining prosperity of the Rou clan ,the clan become a joke to the other clans but earns pity and more respect to the commoners. In Wuxias's calculation, Rou clan had a good reputation to the commoners than the other clans that's why even though the girl's clan were rumored to be falling and being insulted by the other. The commoners known that the Rou clan were wrongly accused and still supported them just like how Rou clan helped them when they are in need of something. So if the commoners heard bad rumors or jokes that is giving bad reputation to the clan they have to think twice or an evidence before they criticised the clan some big named commoners that Hace big respect to the Rou clan helps the clan in protecting their already tarnished reputations.

Wuxia sigh in admiration to the bonds of the girl's clan to the commoners.

A strong public support is unbreakable and powerful especially the trust that the public is showing to the one's they supported.

That is why those evil clans were so envious eh

Ruo Hua Heng suffered many insults and disdain towards the other Generals but she stays silent enduring the pain alone even herself was scared and wants to run away but she can't because of her family. She always recite her mantra to not give in for the sake of her clan.

What a brave girl

Rou was given only a small troop consist of 200 soldiers and 5 trusted warriors that her father stationed as her personal bodyguards. The 200 men was respectful to her due to her status as the son of their admired General Rou Cheng .

What can they do? They were also weak that's why the higher ups placed them under this General who is also weak except the 5 trusted guard who her father put to protect Hua Heng.

As the girl's days passed. Hua Heng's life becomes hard as she entered to the palace territory even with the guard's her father ordered cannot protect her from verbal abuse of many because he is the first bronze rank General in the history of Guo.

The day where General Bao Che challenge him in horse racing in exchange of resigning as General and also she accidentally heard the guy's insulting words towards her father and her clan which ignited the burning hate and anger deep inside her heart. Hua Heng gather her strength and accept it to prove to them that she is not weak even though it is all she's a woman dressed as man.He instructed her 5 guard's to another jobs so that they will not interfere to her battle but alast she was defeat and lost heavily taking her life but before she lost her breath she vowed that she will avenge herself and her family.

Wait.... She lost and she must resign from her position right?

But who cares?! I'm not the one who make the one that Bao che guy promised to heh

I ,Wuxia Qin, who woke up as her will definitely avange her.

Since she pulled me in her world, I have to survive if I want to stay alive bah

Wait........ Gahhhhh... I'm adapting quickly! I hope those guys will not collapse to death if they found my body ice cold

Damn it! I didn't get a chance to say good bye...

Wuxia's face contorted into a sad and depressed look as she remembers that her family will be devastated on her sudden passing.

The two men beside her become worried and a little panic due to their miss solemn look.

Wuxia snaps in the reality and slap her cheeks creating a loud smack and stunning the men.



Focus Wuxia! that I am Ruo Hua Heng, I will show to the world who is the boss and the peasants, the king and the servants, all of you will now now to me and beg me for mercy. I will create my own invincible soldiers who will shatter the world and rise as a Dragon in the sky! Those who hurt this body will pay a thousand times even Yama can't plead for their pitiful lives! As long as I live as long as I'm breathing I will rise the flag of my clan to sky again to be look upon all of you people Rou clan will rise again wait and see...

A gust of wind entered like a ghost as it past through a melodic and grateful voice whispers on her ears,"Thank you..."

Is this chapter good? I hope its not bad hehehe...
Pls read again the next chapter :-)

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now