Cultivation (2)

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After punishing little bun Rou Hua Heng calmed down and change her male attire to a simple red woman's clothe with a delicate brocade that is designed on the red clothes.

After punishing little bun Rou Hua Heng calmed down and change her male attire to a simple red woman's clothe with a delicate brocade that is designed on the red clothes

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She pulls out the one-of-a-kind package containing the tablets. Meimei's eyes sparkle as she examines the box.

"Is that the pills, Ne ne ne master? Oh, what a beautiful box ah, I heard from master that the dan pill's box can keep any  tablets fresh and untouchable by anyone if you pour some of your blood on the most eye-catching jewel you can think of "She expresses herself by bouncing up and down in the air.

Hua Heng looks at the box in amazement and gently grips it.

Hehehe, this box is a treasure.

"So, what shall I do next to cultivate once more?"she inquires

"Surely, master, take one pill in the morning and another in the evening as you meditate, oh! I recommend that master meditate in a location rich in Yinyang energy so that your cultivation would fly to new heights hehehe." Meimei elaborated.

Hua Heng nods," So can I meditate here too then?"

"Master is clever however  this dimension for now have only yin energy if master can become stronger the dimension will also upgraded ah"meimei explained

"Hmmm okey that will do little bun I will start my meditation now so you will now temporarily encharge of the garden until I come back from seclusion "

The little bun was shock and put a cute teary face in front of her master and starts to wail l," Ah master oh great master why entrusted to me ah?!"

Rou Hua Heng threw her a glare shutting the cute bun's mouth and eyes wide.

"Hmph! Who will I entrusted it now ah besides you hmmm?!"she coldly said

"*gulp* hehehe master is scary ah hehehe this pitiful turtle is only joking hehehe"the bun said as she fakingly laugh

M-master  is so scary ah this turtle is scared ah what if she eats me whole?! Ah! Ah! Master your so cruel T^T

With a satisfying nod Rou Hua Heng look at her healthy and full of spiritual garden in awe and again she look at the small brown bag with seeds she turns her head to the small pink haired turtle.

"Oi little bun I warn you not to eat the seeds again or else ...."She look at the bun up and down

Smirking like a demon," I Will cook you and make you my first food after my seclusion"

The little bun of course was frightened and flinch. She quickly dive on her master's thigh and clings tightly, raising her watery chocolate eyes full of fear and grievances she begged," Master this turtle is loyal ah this turtle will promised ah! I will not eat the seeds again please don't eat me!"

Hua Heng pats little bun's head and smiles cunningly; little bun stares at her master's face, her cute sorrowful face cracking.

Master is unquestionably a clever sneaky Fox and a two-faced devil, ah.

Hi!^^  I'm sorry if my update is so slow ^^

School works hehehe

Sorry for the wrong grammars too

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