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When Hua Heng removes her hood to reveal her entire face, the people inside can't help but gasp a little and have been taken aback for a second seeing her face, even if the person has a long scar under his eye.

"Are you sure you're a man, gentleman Hua?" Wade ask

"......" others are silent, but they also want to know

"Heh, if you want to know, you have to pay the consequences," Hua Heng showed a mysterious smile

"No, thank you, hahaha," Wade laughed, brushing away the chills.

Everyone settled as they sat around a circular table. Hua Heng sat comfortably, her arms crossed.

"Mr. Hua, please accept my sincere greetings. I'll be frank with you: what is your intention for insisting on us not destroying those cargoes? Do you have any idea what's inside those containers?" Wade asks in a serious tone.

" This is supposed to be confidential for us not to reveal our identities to outsiders, but you people seem...not bad and didn't have any ill intentions towards the innocent people except for the mercenaries and the governor if I tell you who I am, would all of you swear not to tell anyone?" Hua Heng responded

Caspian and Wade looked at each other while the other people aside from Hua Heng were silent as they only looked at their captain's decision.

"Okay, we swear on our lives," Caspian agreed

" Easy" Hua Heng's eyes narrowed as she smiled

"Pleasantries, my name is Rou Shufen, and I am one of the generals of this empire, who the Emperor has assigned to investigate and resolve the problem that is currently occurring in the Province of Darya."

"....." everyone was speechless to speak for a minute

"For this reason, I want those cargoes preserved: they could be used as evidence against Darya's governor, and at the moment, we are gathering information and evidence that will enable us to remove the governor from his position without him retaliating. "


"Cat got your tongue, guys?" Hua Heng teased

"Since you're a general, do you mind if we didn't say a greeting to you?" Wade inquires, his voice wincing

" Heh, I don't care about formalities besides I don't like being revered like an ancestor just treat me like any others"-Hua.

"HAHAHA, then this one will comply besides, you don't seem great enough to be my ancestor anyways HAHAHA"-Wade.

"....." Everyone

Caspian slaps Wade back in embarrassment.

"Ahem... Mr. Hua, allow me to inquire, now that we have determined the purpose of the cargos, which is reasonable to us, is there anything else you demand from us?" -Caspian.

"I want this problem to be solved quickly, and so are you, right? I assumed that you people are also against this governor, am I correct?"-Hua.



"He is-" before Wade can explain a girl standing behind him spoke

"He is a demon who must be put to death as soon as possible," a woman with aqua green hair said, her voice filled with rage.

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now