Maniac Killing(1)

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(Imagine this cute one is meh≥°≤)

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(Imagine this cute one is meh≥°≤)

Nyaaaaaa😻 hello! Everyone thanks again for reading this and sorry if this one is short nya😹🙈.

Back to the Battlefield (≥^≤)...........

Hua Heng's army was now deployed, she and her flanks immediately entered into the fighting scene, Chen Diyu was on the front while her was on the sides.

"BOYS! BE SURE TO KICK THEM HARD! CHEN ARROW FORMATION #1 ADVANCING TIGER! NOW! ASSASSINS OFFENCE FORM AND ATTACK! *SHE USE A SILENT WHISTLE BAMBOO TO ORDER THE LAUNCH OF ATTACKS TO THE ARCHERS*" While Hua Heng was busy shouting her commands she also swinging her mighty spear towards her enemies who block her

Every swing and slash of Hua Heng's spear one or two person can be seen flying into the air which stunned and awed the people who is watching the Battle. Her army was also doing great, her Archers starts to rain arrows coated with the paralyzing liquid. Their targets are the Warriors who wasn't near closely to their allies(the Shiroku warriors), legs, arms or thighs were the only parts they've been targetting just like their general instructed to them but if you ask them the chest and head area should be targeted.

"Rain more arrows! Archers #1#2! Target the left #4#5! Target the right! Yosh! #3 Let's target the middle! Charge!! Don't let those ants stamps their way more! Shiroku archers! SHoot!!"Di Fang shouted while he himself was busily shooting like machine gun his playful eyes were now transformed into a fierce looking one

The vanguards that Chen Diyu and Yu Heng were incharge were also good, their formation was formidable and strong that if the enemies will clash on them, the majority of casualties will be taken by them(enemies). Chen Diyu was cold and mercilessly wacked his enemies with one to two strike even sometimes he really wants to turn the back of his sword to the sharp side of the sword while Yu Heng was enjoying slashing the losers(enemies) with his double edge sword while cursing them colorful words everytime his enemies met the back of his blade.

"Hahahaha! Take this!! And this! Flying slash! Hah! This great YU is here to fly all of you into the air!" The cute tsundare laugh

"Yu! Don't be too careless! " Chen Diyu irritatingly said

"Got it (-3-)"

Hua Heng and her Assassin flanks were scattered both on the left and right side covering the vanguards sides while they charge forward without fighting/covering both of their sides and focusing only on advancing. In the Assassin flanks, the Warriors were all chosen by Hua Heng because of their performance, patience, and  silent moves. But although head people were indeed capable, her past comrades were more better. She sighs


Her army was knocking all their enemies and she calculated that only small amount of her people are injured but only light injuries.

"Hah! Finally I face to face the weakest general hmph! I'll show how weak you are! " A rugged and burly armoured man riding on his brown horses appeared infront of her

Who's this old man?

"Who are you?"she ask coldly

"Pah! As expected you don't even know the name of your superior I am Dong Ti the general of Qu army! Reme-"


Oh shit! Dong ti?! Whose parents named their son a shit name hahahahahahahahah!

"Why are you laughing?! "Dong Ti was angered because he was enteruped on his so called speech

"Aiya! Aiya! Watch out neh"

An arrow was shooting towards Dong Ti but he easily dodge it and a poor enemy warrior was wrongly shot and fell on his horse. Dong Ti really leaved up on his title being a general but sadly he gave faced a wrong enemy.

"Hah! See that?!" Dong Ti arrogantly said

Dude it just is an arrow why so proud ah?

"Well are you going to charge or not?!"she impatiently said while her unblemished spear was pointing at him

"Arrogant! Now feel my blade! Earth slash!" Dong Ti gives a powerful slash as he advance to her

A level 50 and his technique is 30 a brown one ....tsk

Hua Heng lift and swung her spear, breaking easily the attack which stunned the advancing Dong Ti.

"How can this be?! No! You are really using dark energy! You cheat?! Hah!" When he is near Hua Heng ,he lift his big sized sword and swung towards Hua Heng


His sword and her spear clashes creating a spark. Dong Ti struggled  as his hands holding his sword were quivering
,He didn't expect that his so called puny and thin opponent can stand his attack and didn't even quiver. A chill on the back of his neck rises up, he sense a great danger coming to him.

"Your not my cup of tea, so goodbye" she coldly said before she retracts her spear and swiftly and accurately swung and slash him in the chest creating a big  cut on Dong Ti's armour and his chest

Hua Heng didn't give a second glance on him and moved forward with her stallion leaving the injured and unconscious Dong Ti whose eyes were widely open and white and open mouth.


Hi again hehehehehe!
Part one complete! 😄
Is this chapter good? I hope you can give me comment if this one is bad ,too boring or too short of action 😅😅 Im a novice on writing but I'm trying to improve and post whatever or the best plots I know😅😂😂😂

Anyway thank you for reading again!*bowing*😄😄😄😄😄😄
Part two will coming soon^^

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