The winner

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Well...... I'm back on typing!!'^^'

Pleas enjoy reading again (^o^)*waving*

What ever swing or position Bao Che do he never even touch the hem Hua Heng's loose robes. The crowds were getting surprise again and again to what they are seeing. Even Bao Che is a copper rank his strength is comparable to a level 52 beast, his swing is fast and deadly but it was easily dodged by a bronze rank General making everyone who look down on her dumbfounded.

Who says he is weak?! Look ah!

Dodging those deadly blades are not easy ah! But look! That so called weak man is dodging it so easy like a piece of cake!

He got us all fooled!! That man is so cunning!

He is not weak ah!!! Mo mi

Ahhh?! Why do I want to say beautiful?

Every time Bao Che move to strike his enemy is always avoided it very easily as if he is dancing.



And losing insanity

Bao che's veins burst his red dark eyes becomes all red. In full power he charges again towards Hua Heng with an intent of killing.

Hua Heng and also the other experts saw a leakage of yang on all pores of Bao Che's body and also in his weapon.

This stupid fella gone nuts aye tsk

Bao che who lost his mind is constantly swinging and roaring towards Hua Heng but it is either Hua Heng avoid his attacks or blocking it with her spear.

"YOU LOSER! JUST DIE ALREADY! AHH!" Bao che screamed while aiming his attacks on Hua Heng's head

"I'm not stupid and a fool so let's end this miserable battle so that I can sleep ah" Hua Heng said with a hint of displeasure and boredom on her voice which made Bao che's rage increased



Hua Heng maneuvered her spear and swing it towards the stunned Bao che, that swing of hers was very sharp and deadly like a venemous snake springing on its prey. The spectators suck a cold breath as they saw Bao che's weapon sliced into two and falls with a big tremor of metal falling into the ground. They saw Bao che is still not moving , when they look up one spectator gasp

"Holy! Look! General Bao che was injured ah!!"

Bao che was still paralyzed, his red eyes returns into normal and his mouth was opened. A while ago something past through him and making him immobilized thats why he can't move and also he can't see Hua Heng that is infront of him a while ago. After a second he came back from his stupor and a gush of pain surged into is body, Bao che screamed.

"AHHH!!W-what the...W-what h-happened??! T-this-" he spurts blood that came out from his mouth and unknowingly clutch his chest

"Ahhhhh!!!M-my chest! M-my C-chest?!!! Arrtghhhh"

The metallic taste on his mouth is making him more uncomfortable with the pain he is feeling now. Bao che's energy diflated already and his knees gone soft as he kneeled into the ground clutching his wounded chest . The sliced wound on his chest was extremely long and ugly making Bao che's face darker.

 The sliced wound on his chest was extremely long and ugly making Bao che's face darker

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To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now