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The brothel A. K. A assassin guild owner, Cai Fei and his employees lead Hua Heng's group to their respective rooms. Hua Heng look around her room which looks like a wedding room, she sits down on her bed and hums in satisfaction.

( ͡❛ ‿‿ ͡❛)

"At least the bed is so soft like a cloud eh"

Perfect playground for love ay!

* Master (T^T) your being a perv again!*

I didn't say anything wrong?

* But your words are ambiguous! *


So what! hmph no one can hear me noh?

*what about Meimei? I can hear you ah*(insert Meimei's pouting face) *(-3-)*

If you don't want to hear my thought then don't peep on my mind eh

You gossipy girl, did I tell you to peep on my thoughts even I told not?

*....... *

See? If you don't want to hear something don't peep on my mind

*boohoo master is mean! Master is not kind to Meimei boohoo it's boring here ah! No one has to play with me ah! You didn't go here often ah boohoo Meimei is lonely and only watching your plants grow day by day and eating it day by day-*

Hold on! Did you just say eating my spirit plant day by day?

*eh?... I-I didn't say that! *

Yes you do!

*No, Meimei didn't eat...much?"

So you ate my plants without my permission again! Wait for this master to descent there to punish you!

*wahhh! *

Hua Heng let out a snort as she pictured her Meimei's crying face.

" Teasing that glutton is very amusing hehehehe " she sighs and got up from her softy red bed to arrange her things

Few minutes later...

Hua Heng finished arranging her things as well changing her attire.

"Since our mission will start tomorrow hehehe today I should tour this heavenly place" Hua Heng laugh evilly

*Master your shameless perverted expression is showing bah*


Hua Heng walk off her room and start to roam the brothel hoping to find the people she wants to see in action or particularly she wants to peep the people in action secretly.

(B:She wants to peep on the guys doing something heart pumping and nose bleeding scenes)

(Heng: Hey! *blush*)

With a light footsteps, she looked around admiring the paintings, antiques, and sea collections.

Not long after, she finally reach the end. Hua Heng steps halted, infront of her a red wooden door was placed.

"There is no sign telling me not to open it, right? Fufufu *sneaky fox mode on* anyways owner Cai is not someone who will get angry I'd someone took only a peek, right?" she convinced herself as her imaginative fox ears twitch

Holding the door's metal handle, Hua Heng slowly open the door and poke her head first to see.

" Wow! " she can't help to say as her eyes glittered in joy

Infront of her were men dressed handsomely and beautifully. Her wish finally come true as she entered the brothel's parlor where the clients and employees often see each other. She didn't forget to erase her existence and with a silent footstep, she jump into the ceiling and settle herself behind a pillar where she can see everything. Her imaginative fox appearance is on full view where her so called tail and ears are quivering and wagging in excitement.

"Sighs, look at these beautiful creatures ah" she mumbles

"If this is the modern world I'm sure this place will be heaven for my fellow fujoshis fufufu I'm too lucky to see a gay brothel like these" she laugh in her head as he ogled the people below while pinching her nose

"Aiyah, those three seems familiar--eh? Hohoho they're also here eh?" Hua Heng saw Bai Yun acting coquettishly on another (client)

"An innocent cloud acting cute to get his top male to notice him more hoho what a good move"

Hua Heng is in the middle of narrating the people lovey dovey moves when her eyes narrowed dangerously and her instinct told her to evade because something is coming behind her fast.

She easily avoid the incoming object and look at the pillar. A long thin needle is deeply embedded.

She raised an eyebrow and looked at her back.

She saw nothing but darkness.

Even so, she knew she had another guest.

"Do I have a buddy who also loves to peek secretly?" she ask herself

"OH MY looked what I've found" an amusing deep voice of a man called out in the dark

Her eyes quickly averted on the dark shadows.

"Brother, you know you can show yourself now noh? Don't worry I will not kill you"

"Your quite funny, my dear guest" the man chuckled coldy and finally stepped out

"So it is actually the beauty freak owner eh" Hua Heng sneered

"You didn't seem surprised" Cao Fei finally show himself dressed in black tight outfit

He slowly walk towards her while fanning himself with his metal fan, probably one of his weapons. Rou Hua Heng looked at him calmly as he walked towards her. Her guard was raised immediately, she tipped Meimei to summon a kunai or short sword if ever the situation comes to worst.

Hua Heng's instinct is very accurate when it comes of sensing any dangers. This brothel's owner is dangerous enough for Hua Heng to raise her guards up.

But also she is also a little bit excited to face a veteran opponent which is almost the same level and occupation as her.

Assassin vs. Assassin

Which of us will be the winner?

Happy New year!!!!!!!!!!!

The next chapters will be tomorrow or so hahaha

Happy new year, everyone and thank you for following and reading my story😌😌

Happy hapoy new year and Godbless all of you

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