Chapter 45

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#Sorry this is not a chapterXD


Ruo Hua Heng was currently in the palace because a certain dirty pig is complaining against her.

Damn! That old pig! I'm still enjoying my upgraded hot spring ah! I regret not cutting his tail tsk! How troublesome....

She arrived in front of the emperor's throne room and saw the pig crying with snots under the emperor's feet.

"Why cry ah?!" She amusely say as she walk towards them

The emperor who is knitting his brows because of the wailing pig under him. He wants to call his guards but it is not appropriate to throw a prime minister without a proper reason.

When he saw Hua Heng his eyes lit up and began to smile with mirth.

"Good! You're here this prime minister is complaining to Zhen , what did you do again this time!" The emperor said angrily but inside he is laughing evilly

This Zhen is tired comforting those old fools because of your pranks and mischievousness you brat! Now I'll just watch you to deal this one hurhurhur

Seems that Hua Heng know what the old emperor is thinking and sigh in frustration.

That old geezer know now the truth Hmph! He is being lazy again ah! He must be thankful to me because I'm helping him removing the dirts on his courts Hmph!

"Your highness! Please give justice to this official ah*snots* look!"he shows his fatty arms that looks like a white pork leg

"Your Majesty this poor one suffers a great pain and humiliation! That general Rou beat me black and blue!-"

"It's not my fault that I saw you wearing peach robe that's why I thought your a wild pig who is eating a swan's tofu ah"

(MeaningXD** wearing a pig's color robes while trying to do lewd to a woman  XD )

"I'm not a pig!"

"Just a flower thief then"(-_-)

"Y-you...!! Don't talk nonsense! Why did you burn my manor then!"

"Oh? Did I forgot to tell you that the manor of yours was infected with pig's disease in order not to get you infected, I ask permission to the emperor to burn that manor for cleansing ah"

"What about-"

"Ahhhh! Don't worry about the swans your earnestly kept, I forgot again to tell you that I set them free but don't I'm sure they will come back ah"  Hua Heng said with a lopsided grin on her jade face

The prime minister's was so dark and full of fear and anger. He seems to know what Hua Heng is trying to say. His dark secrets was known by the foxy General, the prime minister's fat face begins to sweat along with his snots and tears,he gulps.

He turns and so the emperor's dark face.

He is doomed \0°0/

"Pah! Good! What a good moral do you have, prime minister!" The emperor growled his wrinkles was showing and his eyes was portraying anger and disappointment

Hua Heng snicker while seeing  The  angry Dragon and a pig who is now sprawled completely in the marble floor while crying for mercy.

What a good act you have, your majesty ah!

The emperor who is pretending  to be angry towards the poor  prime minister is sighing in relief and helplessness.

"You shameless pig! You disgrace my court but you are a shame for the other prime ministers Zhen is so do appointed with you Guards!!! Take away the prime minister and beat him 40 times in front of his victims and announced that he and his generations will can never stepped into the line of the royal courts ever again!" The emperor roared as he slaps the golden table

"N-no! Highness! PleAse!- ahhh! Don't touch me! Your highness!!"The fat prime minister crawled and struggle as the guards is pulling him

"Take him away!"

The prime minister wailed and wailed until his fat face was covered with yellow snots and salty tears while screaming like a pig while being dragged harshly by the loyal guards . When he saw the root of his sufferings standing boredly while watching him with grin on his face, his fatty face become grim and full of hatred.

Since this general destroy me, I will kill him and eat his flesh and bones!

The prime minister manage to broke free from the guards grasp with all of his strength and run crazily towards Hua Heng. His chubby hands turns into sharp claws and his eyes were red.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" The prime minister shouts while his saliva is spitting every where


There is a quote called " I'll help you when the pigs can fly in the sky"

Now you see a certain pig was flying high in the air due to a certain general's flying kick from the groin to the chin.

The poor prime minister was now clutching his numb and painful groin groaning and screaming in pain. The guards including the emperor can't help to gulp and sweat as they clutched their lower half unconsciously.

Never provoke this scary general

"Ooops my bad.... I thought a wild pig is trying to eat my tofu hehehe.... Guards don't mind and continue to drag him ah" Hua Heng charmingly said

The former prime minister will not be able to produce a heir because probably......................

His eggs were now crushed.

"!!!!!!!!"prime minister

"..........." The guards and the emperor

Hua Heng was now standing beside the emperor's throne while she busier herself poking the emperor's slightly chubby white cheek.

An emperor as we all know was the highest rank in all countries. They must respected and can't sit or joined them equally. If you don't know this facts you will be put in death immediately. But a certain androgynous man wearing a black and red armour is busily yapping and poking the emperor of the highest country without any hesitation as if what he is poking and speaking like a child is his grandfather or a father ah.

"You highness do you know why I am in a bad mood?"

"Brat! Just because you are my ****** You can poke me whatever you want! You don't wanna live anymore ah?"

"Ehhhhhhhhh*pouts* don't scold me ah why not thank me because I'm getting rid of your dirts!"

"Zhen is the Dragon and your just my soldier ah its your job!"


"Hmph! Get out now  your pretty face gets this Zhen nauseous ah!Shooo!!" The emperor flicks his hand and flicks her white forehead

"Ow! You-!"

"What you?! I'm a Dragon! Your family is you! Hmph! Aiiya! I'm so old ah perhaps it's time to retire ah" he looks straightly at her

The still yapping Hua Heng suddenly freeze and look frightfully at the emperor

Well this one is just scene of unknown chapter XD the part 1 hedgehogs part two will be posted the next teaser chapterXD well

Six more days to go XD

Ciao XD

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