Unexpected win

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This is the 53th chapter of my story and \\0∆0// I didn't expect even from the start that many of you appreciated this story of mine *teary eyes* Thank you for reading XD!

("Ahhhhh!" Another warrior was fallen again against the blade of Hua Heng


"Aiya another ant again tsk"

(Let's say ants is the nickname for weak hehehe^^)

Hua Heng didn't have to turn around to find enemies to kill because the ants are continuously trying their guts to bite her when-)

Hua Heng with her enhanced hearing she hears two galloping horse going to her but suddenly stopped to argue on who's going to beat her up. She was thinking if she just turn around and make an instant kill but her mind is telling her not to.

I can hear you three!

Those uncles were arguing who's going to be my opponent, why don't they just charge together ah! The more the merrier tsk

Aiiyaa! What arrogance! That is so high like the mountains Lah

Are you talking about me,little bun?hmm?

I'm talking! I'm talking to myself hehehehe

Finally one general whom Hua Heng beat up,Bao Che charges towards her with killing intent which the other two followed up, their own spears and swords where glistening as the light from the sun strucks the metals. Those blades were so sharp and cold that if anyone who come in touch with it will be chop off cleanly.
Hua Heng who is aware of the three general's intention didn't even turn around because the ants are still coming on her asking death. Hua Heng was helplessly sigh before she called one of her capable warrior 3 meters away from her to handle the ants . She felt a sharp object that is going to slash on her back.


Her spear met the three sharp weapons creating a small sparks. With her strength she pushed the weapons and she begins to struck the others with the dull side of her spear.


"Damn! This guy is tough!"

"Even we combine our strengths still this fella manage to subdue our attacks! Is he really the weak general?!"

"This bastard! Is using dark energy! If we don't kill him now he will make a huge problem to us!" The crazed Bao che said while he attacks Hua Heng with all the strength and techniques he knows

"Stop talking and fight me!" A deep mocking voice said which earned the deathly glares of the three

"Hah! This brat is so arrogant! I must teach him how to greet his seniors!"

"I'm gonna beat you to death punk!"



Hehehe provoking this uncles is nice! Atleast their more powerful than their ants hayst! I just get to used handling spear and still I can't fully use its full force aiiyaa if only guns is available in those world tsk tsk I already miss my magnum , dessert eagle and silencer guns tsk tsk

The generals were continuously attacking Hua Heng,these people hope that with their combined strength and energy their enemy will be defeated. But their expectation were gone to waste as Hua Heng begun to attack them instead of defending.

Your Uncle! Are you playing with us?!

Hua Heng begun to attack the three with the series of spear techniques she knows from her past world. She has a photographic memory and a reflexive body that can adapt anything, she was thankful that the girl ,the original owner of her current body is always bending and dancing since young.

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now