The Pills!

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Hua Heng's eyes twinkled like stars when she saw it. Hua Heng is overjoyed because she has finally found an interesting book, so she pulls it up. As she picks up the book, she notices a glint in the corner of her eye.

Hua Heng stretches her hands and takes the shining thing inside because she is fascinated. The gleaming object was a golden box.

The box is decorated with strange carvings and gems. The box was simply stunning and mystifying.

Rou Hua Heng became intrigued and opened the box. In the box are two little vials containing pills that sparkle like jewels inside.

"T-this is......" Hua Heng don't know what to say and look at the old man

The old man grins widely and said," It's a Dan pills"


Hua Heng praises all the Gods she knows to the tenth level as her  eyes sparkle and she smiles widely, brightening her surroundings and that make others fall in love with her.

The old man was a little taken aback, but he smiled and sighed.

HEH! This girl's was so charming and beautiful no wonder she was chosen fufufu

"Madam that pills are expensive do you want it?"he ask

Of course, Hua Heng nodded and placed all of the items she want to purchase on the counter for the old man to count.

"In total, you must pay 5 gold taels."

"Hmmmmmm genuinely costly alright," she says and paid her bills after paying she stuffs the items on her dimensional ring.

"Now, kind miss, please allow me to guide you," the old guy said with a smile.


Suddenly, Rou Hua Heng got dizzy as her eyes blurred.

It is spinning again?!

What's going on?!

She blinks and suddenly she hears sounds.

In a haze, she found herself back in the busy capital. She looks around, but the antique shop is nowhere to be found, like if it has vanished from the face of the earth. Rou Hua Heng frowns as she considers how magically the shop appears in front of her and recalls the items she purchased.

"What about the pills?"

She checks her ring and discovers that the items are present, sighing.

"That shop was so weird," she mused as she continued to walk towards the inn where she is presently staying to retrieve her horse and drive away.

After all, she got what she wanted, so she can't afford to waste any more time.

She is eager to cultivate right now!

Hehehe its so short^^v

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