The challenge and Revelation

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AiyyyaXD Finally I'm temporarily back ahXD! So enjoy reading! I hope this ones are very much liking XD.

This is really the last postXD...really the last

The crowd are shocked at first but turn into a mockery laugh and sneer(except the four pillars)

"Hahahaha! Want to take a land?! Keep dreaming!"

"His gone insane due to the losses he take ah! He is asking death!"

"Right! Fighting you is like taking a warm up *pie* Come on! Tell us! Whose the lucky one who can beat you until your black and blue!"

They(evil warriors) continued to mock her but some people are sneering in disdain towards their actions while Hua Heng pay them no mind her soldiers and commanders are seething in anger and if not their master/General did not put an order they will certainly start a bloody war cry and began to slash and beat those vile people with or without the emperor's decree. Her warriors were fully devoted to only one and that is their General Rou, they in the past are always at the bottom due to their lack of strength and power but one day their always cowardly and timidly General finally broke from her "so called actingXD" and give them heavenly books that change their lives. These warriors carved in their hearts that only one can only commanded fully and that is their titled "Demon Deity"(It's Hua Heng XD)

On the other sides, four generals are quietly enjoying the show while sitting on their horses. The never know that the small bunny*ahem* General is a wolf that disguised as a sheep even them are quite surprised at the sudden presence the former weak and coward General they know based on their first impression on him.

"Oft! This little General really fooled us ah!" Tao tong laugh as his long slender arms smacks the back of the red robe person

"Stop patting and putting your heavy metal hands on my back,you goof!" A cold growl coming from the red robes man warned at Tao Tong as his face holds a dark scowl, this young man didn't like someone touching him especially the tall green robed guy beside him who is still smiling ear to ear at him

"Aiya! Wen wen is so cute ah! This big brother miss you ah! Last time I see you is on the-"

"Shut up!" The brat Wen Ping warned and turned his horse away from the loud and noisy man

"Hayst! Look ah! The little bunny is not even glaring or showing angry aura  when  others talking dirty at him tsk tsk truly the little bunny is now showing his true self ah, a wolf, how interesting..." The beautiful man in black robes said as he  holds his black fan hiding his alluring smile with a hint of cunningness while he stares at Hua Heng's direction with mirth on his beautiful enchanting eyes.

"Showing  true colors is good, Woking up from a trauma can give others a lesson in life, am I right?" Shu Wei calm with a hint of dark amusement said who is now beside him

Of course the beautiful man, Mu Qing's smiling flirty face turns grimly dark as if he saw a sinister person beside him and immediately pull his horse away 5 meters away from General Shu wei who is looking at him with mirth, he glared deadly at him.

Mu Qing never forgot what happened to him, because of him(pertaining shu wei) he wouldn't be beaten by his old man and grand father until his back turns to black and blue, thankfully his mother and sister stop the two furious old beast by coaxing them or else.........

"You! Stay the F*ck away from me you,demon!" Mu Qing angrily spat as he glare and point shu wei

Shu Wei only shrugged and turn his stare at the General he accidentally met on the forest.Mu Qing saw that the demon didn't pay attention to him he sigh and also turn to watch what is happening, his mouth curve into a flirty smile again as he fanned himself.

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now