Set Sail!

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Since Wen Ping and Hua Heng are unable to use the keyhole, they must resort to using brute force to open the safe.

Hua Heng didn't let her partner do the job so she pulled out a small dagger hidden in her sleeves. Wen Ping noticed it, grimaced, and asked where Hua Heng had stashed her final tools.Why are you storing your belongings in such an unusual manner? His attention is specifically on her chest.

"We don't have our storage bag note is there any hidden pocket on our clothes so small things like the key opener tools can only be hidden on my fake (not fake) boobs ah besides putting hidden weapons on our sleeves or legs is good enough but key tools that can clink every step isn't" Hua Heng amusedly replied him while busy on destroying the key lock

Wen Ping examined his flat chest and made a comparison to Hua Heng's. When his hand brushed against his chest, all he felt were muscles. He didn't want to give in to the idea of covering up this area any more than required. Hua Heng paused and cast a playful glance in his direction.

"Eh? Comrade Wen are you now regretting it? Want me to give you a piece of mine?"

"You want to be beautiful. What's the use of having fleshy things" Wen Ping retortsWith a puff Hua Heng let out a charming laugh.

"Your cute, flat-chested lolita image makes you eligible for kidnapping, but not because they mistake you for a woman. Are you aware that there are sex predators that prefer girls with smaller chests? Hahaha"

"Laugh! Do your job properly! Hmph! " Wen Ping didn't want to argue anymore or else he would be mad enough at Hua Heng's teasing

They successfully opened the safe and saw a few gold bars and important papers that Hua Heng and Wen Ping had been searching for.Wen Ping picks one scroll to confirm their target.

" This scroll is a land title belonging to a businessman. There's no seal from the empire for the governor to have this so this is illegal as he claimed it by force." Wen said

"Let's collect it bah before the governor returns"Hua Heng urgeBoth of them get to work collecting the scrolls and the gold bars. As soon as their hands touched it, the scrolls and gold bars disappeared, and they transferred everything into their space bag, except Hua Heng's space, which is unique since the scrolls landed precisely on Meimei's face.Meimei was enjoying her time asleep wsuddenlydden she felt her floating self plop to the ground, and her entire body was buried by something light and heavy things.

"AHHpp!! Achoo!Wah!" She immediately got away and saw brown & dusty papers and gold bars on the ground

Fumming, Meimei out a tantrum as she shouts.

"Master you, devil! You purposely land this thing on me! Rude!"

Hua Heng heard her and snorted.

After the two collected all the things inside the safe, Hua Heng sealed it again back to its original form.*Tap**Tap**Tap*"Huh? Oy, are you sleeping? What kind of guard are you?!" A gruff voice angrily reprimanded the unconscious guard

" He's here. What to do next?" Wen Ping ask

"Why ask me?"

"You don't want me to kill him immediately, right? So you decide what's next."

"Let's continue to pretend until this ship sails as planned. "

Wen Ping nodded but his frown was still occupying his face making his appearance scary to look at.

"Don't frown too much you don't want to be noticed again by that perverted man"


"What a bunch of useless people! They aren't worth the salaries I paid for. Hmp!" Balto Hakkins walked in and saw the girls sitting on the bed.

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