The Battle (4)

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One hour had passed and Hua Heng was instructing her commanders bupy pointing their locations based from the  terrains map.

" Fang your incharge on the archers flanks(back area), Chen your incharge on the vanguard flanks(front area), Yu Heng will be in the center -"

"Ah! Why I am on the center?!" Yu Heng suddenly complains

"Ah eh...... "

"AHH! General don't mock me ah! I didn't train so hard just to be on the center I want to fight head on to those losers who mock us ah! Hmph!"

"*Sigh* okay.......Chen and you will be incharge on the vanguards" (-∆-)

"Yes! General!" The cute Yu Heng salutes

Wahhh! Finally my time to is near ah!

Hua Heng really don't like the youngest of her commanders to bump on those idiots and morons(the malicious enemy warriors) but her hot tempered little shonen(boyXD) was stubborn.

"*Ahem!* Well...... Me and the twins will be on the Assassin flanks(left an Right area) now remember what I did tell to all of you about our plan and the hidden traps around the battling ground , Fang did you do what I told you to do?"

"Yes, miss! I already tell everyone to put a paralyzing liquid on their weapons! Aiya! Miss was so smart ah and miss where did you get those expenaive elixirs neh? Cause I thought we don't have those  kinds of weapons ah!"

"Fang, can you go and get Dark for me?" Hua Heng smiled

"N-neehhh miss ah I was j-just joking ah hahahaha I-im sure your stallion is sleeping t-this time hahahaha yosh! Let's continue!" For Du Fang  he will do anything except being thrown on the hell's Beast ( Hua Heng's stallion) hooves again. Remembering his aching back and the red footprint on his left cheek  he get was a night mare to him.

(A/N: "Dark" is the name of the midnight stallion of Hua Heng)

"Tsk! Are all of you ready?!"


Her commanders deployed themselves to their assigned positions while Hua Heng again goes to the tallest rock so that everyone can hear and see her. When all eyes were on her, she begun to speak loudly,


"YES! GENERAL!" the Warriors salutes with eyes full of fire



"Hmmm? Even this word you don't know? Hello? This is the Japanese Military Strategy created by the feudal lord, Takeda Shingen ah!"



"Feudal lord of what?"

"General what kind of Kingdom your talking about?"

Rou Hua Heng realized that the world she transmigted is not her world, smacking her forehead she sighs while muttering colorful words on herself before facing her confused warriors.

"Well...... I created it ah! Those names were my inventions" Hua Heng casually said other a hint of arrogance on her voice

Uwaaaa...... Master your nose is getting longer and longer ah!

Shut up or I spank you!

I'll shut up! Hehehe

"*Ahem!* What I mean is all of you must must this characteristic, FU means thatall of you must be fast on everything just like the wind,RIN means quiet like the forest so that enemies will not notice you, KA means intense like fire and ZAN means Still like the mountains. FURINKAZAN will be one of our inspirational words we must noted inside our mind and heart! Now the time has come to prove to all those who look down on us our strength and slap them hard on their faces! Let's get the glory that we deserve! POSITIONED! AND BEGIN TO MARCH!" Hua Heng jumped and directly landed on her stallion which is waiting beside the scaredy Du Fang

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now