Prologue - Lost Life

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Two galloping horses with two riders on top. One is dressed in dark blue rune armor, while the other is dressed in black rune armor. People shouting their bets and criticism can be heard all over the place.

In a large racing area, the man dressed in dark blue rune armor looks arrogantly at a man dressed in black rune armor, who is quiet and struggling to control his horse.

"Just surrender and step down from your position! You're just a trash with no use for the kingdom!" the blue armor guy sneered from his rough horse, his left hand clutching his metal whip.

"Just shut up!" exclaimed the other, his beautiful obsidian eyes filled with rage, fear, anger, and helplessness. Even if he wants to, his pride and reasons of staying in the camp will be in vain.

" Rou Shufen! even though you came from a clan with a long legacy! I, Bao Che will not be a dog you can trample at will! I'm scared of your withering clan ah! Just quit and marry some influential lady hahaha! " Bao Che continued to ridicule his enemy but like an air his words are ignored

Bao Che was enraged and whips the other guy's horse, causing the horse to shriek. A loud thud is heard, and everyone falls silent as the black rune armor guy is thrown from his horse and crashes badly on the rocky side of the road.

Bao Che, the blue rune armor person, is a copper rank general. The unexpected mishap surprised him, but he immediately recovered and scoffed.

"Pei! He's really weak! I hope he learns his lesson "he said arrogantly and left without helping the other guy who is not moving

After Bao Che left, the other people dispersed, believing in their hearts that it was not their responsibility to assist the other guy. Everyone actually leaves, and the vast racing area falls silent.

Why isn't anyone assisting him?

What is the identity of the other guy?

Nobody wants to assist an infamous Bronze rank general with a poor yinyang. But no one realizes or discovers that the man is actually a girl. She is Rou Hua Heng, the Patriarch of the Rou clan's eldest daughter. She has replaced her elder brother's position, who is now bedridden as a result of the malicious actions of envious clans and generals.

(Yinyang -term for the power/strength,yin is the white power,yang is the black power, Yinyang is a rare power thAt is both white and black power )

Rou Hua can't move because of the pain on her bloody beaten up body. She swore, "I, Rou Hua Heng, will not die! I will put all my strength to pull another soul to avenge my and my family's suffering and torment! They will suffer more even Yama can't save!" He drew his last breath as his eyes closed.

Thank you for reading! I just started to make my own version of Chinese Novel although this version is not the same as the other's stories ^^

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