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Whhoopps...^^ though that this is the next chapter? Hehehe wait until next week neh^^ I'll just advertise the coming soon next novel of mine^^

Many years have passed since the Glorious Dark Empire was established earning many titles from the bloody battles they've done.Many folks,nobles,and royalties wants to meet the core of the mighty empire,the Emperor but none of them was able to reach the qualifications to meet him personally.

But they didn't know that the mighty empire was being ruled by a certain *******?!

Far away from the other empires  there is vast island that is located far away from them. That Island was mysterious so with the people who is living there,from the clothes to unto their language ,it is different from the people who of the empire's.But one day, the emperor of the dark empire discovered the hidden island.He ordered his one hundred trained soldiers to go to the island to get someone.

"Your highness*bows* our King wants to have a favor with you in exchange of safety from other empires" the General said

"Hmmm, what is his highness wants?"the king of the hidden island said with a hint of anxiety and excitement

"Our King wants to have a marriage proposal to the most beautiful girl from your island"the generAl said as he bows again,his face was now red from embarrassment

The king,queen and his daughters were dumbfounded by the ridiculous request.


That's the prologue^^

I will put the title so that it will be exciting and thrilling hehehe^^

I hope you will love this next novel when I'm done with the other these one^^

Well that's then


To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now