Pirates (4)

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Hua Heng waited until the approaching pirate ship was close and seen a shadow of a man leap from the ship and land on the nearby intoxicated mercenary, puncturing the mercenary's chest with his cutlass blade. The mercenaries sobered up when they sensed a warning.


The man with the cutlass sword smirked as he whistled, and his crewmates emerged with a loud yell.

"These goddamn pirates!!! Hurry lets fight them!" - mercenary 1

" These pirates are so annoying!"-mercenary 2

" Hey! that white haired man is Caspian! Shit! why are they here again" the mercenary cursed as he continue to fend off the pirates attacking him

"It's too late lets fight them! We are not going to lose this!- mercenary 4

"Caspian? Seems this pirates are not ordinary"-Hua heng

The ship is in complete disarray due to the fight between pirates and mercenaries. The people inside the ship rooms heard the commotion and immediately locked their doors, praying for their lives to be spared.

The pirates have the upper hand thanks to Caspian's leadership. The mercenaries were cut and beaten into a sorry state, and Hua Heng, who hasn't died yet, is looking for a specific mercenary she fought a while ago. Looking around, she finally spotted her prey, who was beaten and battered to the point where his skin was black and blue. Caspian's cutlass was about to strike the man's chest when a shadow appeared in front of him and blocked his sword with a short dagger.

Caspian narrowed his eyes as he examined their blades and quickly retreated a few steps, sensing that the person in front of him appeared to be strong.

"I didn't expect that pig governor to be able to hire an expert," Caspian sneered coldly as he became more wary of her.

Hua Heng lowered her dagger, as if she didn't care whether the white-haired man clashed with her again or not. She gave Caspian a brief glance before returning her attention to her target on the floor.

"I'm glad you didn't kill him quickly, ah." Hua Heng seizes the mercenary and begins searching for something on the mercenary's clothes.

"What is your name? What exactly do you imply?" Caspian frowned strangely as he looked at the cloaked figure.


"Remember, I'm not an enemy, and please don't destroy those boxes either, as I need them for evidence. Now, please keep fighting; I will not bother you." Hua Heng has finally found what she is looking for as she pulls a slew of key from the mercenaries' inner robe.

"What will you do with those keys? What exactly are you?" Caspian still refuses to let go because he discovers that the person has come here to obtain the keys as well as the boxes.

"You don't want to mess with me, and as a pirate, what are your odds with the Governor's business? Are you attempting to rob them, or do you have another goal?" Hua Heng re-asks him.

"But your more suspicious than we are?" Caspian spoke up.

"Arrghh w-which bastard dared to beat this laozi-"the mercenary on the floor woked up but before he can sobered up something pierced his chest with a dagger

The mercenary didn't even get a chance to look at his assailant before he died. Caspian was taken aback by how the person killed the man he had rescued from his clutches.

Hua Heng took out her dagger and cleaned it before resuming use. She smiled coldly at the white-haired man once more.

"I can't tell you who I am, but I assure you that I'm not like them, and maybe I'm the same as you, ah you and your group seem not like ordinary pirates who only knew to barge and loot whatever they saw, but you guys wanted to pursue only the Governor's cargos of this ship," Hua Heng stated .

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