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Hi!!!!^^ this is the tease chapter for all of you^^ Read and think who are the guys that are in love with our main FL^^ Also,give me suggestions of the main guys you want for FL^^
The tease chapter begins!^^
ENJOY!!!!! ^°^


In the imperial palace...

Rou Heng: Y-you! Let go of me! I don't know you!

Mystery guy: Let go of what? I don't hold any

Ruo Heng: I said let go of me! You maniac!

Mystery guy: ah? You? Your mine my possession why would I let go of you?he let outs a devious smirk

Rou Heng: Ahh!! What are you touching?! Ah! Stop crawling your hands! Stop!She was blushing

Mystery guy: Why would I stop its mine anyway he smirks before sealing her mouth with his

Rou Heng:Beast!


Many cherry blossom trees surrounded the lake, one of the biggest and beautiful cherry trees two people is sitting....

Him: What do you like tea or coffee?

Rou Heng:Uhmmmmm

Him:tea or coffee

Rou Heng:ah-

Him:or do you want to taste me?he lets out an ambiguous smile with an innocent face

Rou Heng:............0-0 I want water thank you


In the imperial war pavilion.....

Brat: Can you help me with these?  Showing the map of a terrain

Rou Heng:Sure what you you want a savage or a clean swipe?She talking about their enemies

Brat: Great!  Then, Come to my house okey?he shows a childish  smile but his eyes tell something more

Rou Heng: house?

Brat: Of course lets plan on my house and you will stay tonight at my house ah!

Ruo Heng: O-okey............where do I sleep then?

Brat: It's easy ,my house had only one room so sleep with me!

Rou Heng:"........"


In the battle camp......

Rou Hua: Uhmmmm... can you let go of my shoulder?

Sexy: Hmm? too comfortable to let go ah besides your not  a woman, what's wrong on embracing my fellow General ah

RH: It's uncomfortable let go!

Sexy: Dont be rude to your fellow comrade who is injured from a fight ah

RH: Your arm is not injured! Your leg is!

Sexy: No my arms is injured my stomach is injured my neck is injured my body is exhausted I need your lap,buddy he shamelessly put down his head on her lap

RH: You can't be serious! Stop messing around!

Sexy: Bah! I'm tired I'm sleeping now ,my pretty boy he lets out a seductive smile and look at her with his seductive eyes

Sexy: Or do you want to sleep with me hmmm that's sound nice! Come!

RH: So shameless! Get off my lap! She smacks his forehead


Two people clad in  an ordinary robes and tied hairs with  hat cover....

Boy: Look! That restaurant is good too!

Boy:Ah! A candy shop! Hua hua! Let's taste them!

Boy: Ah! I can smell the noodles! Quick lets get some!


RH:Did I get a pig as my partner in this mission?(she thinks)

Boy:Hehehe don't pull your face ah?! Those foods are delicious right? Right? Tell me did I fill it?

RH: Fill what?

Boy: (^_^) I said did I fill your heart ? So can I pass to be your lover now?

RH:"..........." 0_0 speechless.......

Boy: \\(^0^)//


In the imperial garden ......

RH: Uhmmmmmm......



Shiro: What's wrong?

RH: Is it allowed to walk side by side with you?

Shiro: Yes

RH: Oh? Even walking in here? It's the imperial garden ah I do-it-yourself

Shiro: Silly as long I'm here with you you're fine

RH: Then can I have a little favour to ask?

Shiro:Anything as long as you desire he smiled like an angel

RH: (*0* dazzled)  T-then can you let go of my hand?


RH: (-_-) B-but-

Shiro- Anything except letting this hand slip away again and be taken by someone else,Xiao Hua

RH: Huh?

Shiro: Xiao Hua your my beloved and my future, don't forget it he pulled her into his embrace and cocoons her into his wide chest but before she can protest he kissed her on her forehead stunning Hua for a moment

Shiro smiled at the effect of his and hug her again on his embrace,he really enjoys her warm and her addicted scents

RH: This guy.....can't be my opponent I can't even utter my complaints ah did God gave him a halo?! I can't resist on his charms!She helpless sigh

On the other side of the garden a dark sillohuete leaking dangerous deathly aura around his surroundings turning the grass and flowers to black. The man's eyes were deadly locked at the two person tightly locked to each others embrace, a strong wall beside him suddenly pulverised with one of his hand slammed into it.

Heeyyoo!! I hope this little show is very amusing Hashanah^^


To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now