The stroll(2)

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Hi readers^^ I thank you for reading this TBRAG novel of mine^^ I hope you'll still continue on waiting my snail updates hehehe^^


The elegantly dressed young man enters the tea shop, where his unsuspecting victim is sipping her tea. Most of the customers in the shop are unmarried women with various backgrounds. As the mysterious man, clad in black robes and possessing a captivating allure, steps inside, their cups freeze mid-sip, and their mouths form perfect "O" shapes. Their greedy eyes remain fixed on the direction of this enchanting creature who has just graced their presence

"Oh my! Who's family household is this nice meat came from!"

"Ah! So handsome! I think I lose my chastity by looking at him!"

"Indeed this young master is an eye candy! Is he married or not?"

" Oh! Ah! Look he is meeting someone!"

"Ah! She must be his girl! How envious!"

The handsome young man caught wind of the hushed whispers from the women behind him. Naturally, his ego swelled twofold, and a smug smile graced his handsome face as he glided elegantly toward his unsuspecting target. With a feigned cough, he audaciously claimed the vacant chair at her table. Sporting the veneer of a proper gentleman, he began conversing, his words dripping like honey from his lips.

"May I sit here, m- AH! Y-YOU!" He can't help but shout startling the dreamy girls who are rattling their fantasies

The beautiful young man's face distorted as if he saw something he didn't want. He pointed to the person in front of him and shamelessly said.

"Why are you here? What's with that getup?"

The person who is sipping tea calmly looks at him and puts the cup elegantly on the table.

"I am completing my mission" The person mimicked a woman's voice when speaking but there is a feint deep tone in the voice

The striking young man emitted a disdainful snort, his gloved hand sweeping across his face to alleviate the stifling warmth. The lower half of his countenance remained concealed beneath the shadow of a finely crafted mask, yet his obsidian eyes—sharp and inquisitive—betrayed a mixture of curiosity and mockery. The air around him seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly allure, drawing the attention of all who dared to glance his way.

"Oh! So this enigmatic figure before me can set aside his pride and don attire typically reserved for women. Yet, it seems the audience is far from disappointed; your allure is akin to that of a captivating maiden. Even I find myself drawn to your beauty—my eyes opened wide in surprise! Heh! Little did I realize that your so-called mission holds such significance," he taunted.

The individual observing him remains remarkably composed, seemingly impervious to the mocking words of the striking man. Clad in women's attire and adorned with delicate hairpins, this person conceals their true identity beneath a thick layer of makeup. Their blue-green eyes exude tranquility, devoid of any hint of annoyance. With a serene smile, they regard the young man before them, who fans himself with affected elegance.

"Thank you for your compliment," the green-clad individual retorts, their calm facade unwavering.

"I wasn't aware of your fetish for crossdressers. Truly, people these days harbor a myriad of preferences."

The elegant figure in the black robe scowled, snapping his fan shut with a crisp sound. His gaze bore into the composed individual before him, a cold intensity radiating from obsidian eyes.

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