The swinish governor

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Hua Heng went back to her room after having a little chit-chat with the owner. She looks around the corner of her room to see that there's no sight of Bai Yun and Lian Jia spying on her move. Hua Heng had suspected for some time that the brothel was not ordinary because the owner was comparable to her in terms of her previous career, which was an assassin.

Before slipping into her dimension, Hua Heng takes a shower and changes her attire. She opened her eyes to find herself gazing up at the clear blue sky and sighing peacefully. Planning to enjoy a little bit of time lying on the ground but a little imp is not so cooperative.

"Master, are you sleeping?"

"Master wake up!! I want you to see the garden I grew! all of them grew big,healthy and they look yummy to eat too hehe"


"EH! eh! master-"

Is it possible for you to quiet down before my palm lands on your buttocks, my dear bun hmm?" Hua Heng, who has a gloomy expression, threatens.

"Eeeek!!"  Immediately, the little bun flew several meters away, and she gazed at her master with teary eyes and an unflattering look of disapproval.

"Master, why are you so angry again? I didn't even get an opportunity to eat those crops, yet you continue to threaten me!" Mei-mei starts to vent her frustrations whilst Hua Heng stands up and walks to the garden

" Wah!! Master don't ignore me!" Meimei pouts

Hua Heng's eyes glowed and she grinned widely as she observed the garden brimming with healthy plants.

" I smell money HAHAHAHAHA!" she cackled 

"As usual, you've done an excellent job, Meimei. Some of these plants will soon provide us a fortune Hahahahaha."

"Stop laughing like that, you look like a money-grubbing master, ah."

"Who cares? I like making money and I don't care about their opinions ah let them be drowned by jealousy hahaha!"

"Master is right! So.... where is my reward?" Meimei put a puppy look which is at the moment is effective to the overjoyed  Hua Heng

" Then pluck what you want to eat but know your limits ah after that we should make more elixirs" Hua Heng began searching for the plants she needed, while Meimei ran to her reward while drooling.

The wealthiest clan in the province of Darya owns a large mansion in the provincial capital. The large mansion was constructed with large corals, hard rocks, and pricey timber, and it was furnished with both expensive and black market-purchased valuable items. A large mansion filled with valuable items and beautiful landscapes fit for special events is only available to those with power and the title on their head. The property is owned by none other than Governor Balto Hakkin.

The mansion, regardless of how magnificent it appeared, is the most dangerous place that ordinary people should avoid entering to, as behind its gorgeous exterior are terrible people and a place that can be described as evil by everyone. Under the mansion is an underground prison with numerous chambers or cells constructed with metal bars, and each cell was packed with people and illegal goods. In the underground dungeon beneath this mansion, Balto Hakkin and his clan stashed their primary source of wealth and primary occupation. This underground prison cell is never peaceful because the captives, who are predominantly women with prominent features and what they refer to as exotic beauty, cannot stop crying regardless of the guards' provocations of laughter, lust, and mockery.

The sobs and cries of the people continued as they were terrified and worried about what is happening inside the biggest room in which two women were inside along with the owner of the mansion as well the biggest culprit of how they were all captured, it is none other than the governor.

" *sobs* U-umeiko wuuu I am scared*hic* M-mara mara is i-inside that room with that disgusting pig wahhh!" A girl with a pale complexion and green hair sobs while tightly grasping a piece of fabric on the woman who is holding her. The woman was also shivering, not from fear, but from anger and helplessness, since she could only vent her rage by looking at the door adjacent to their chamber.

"I am also scared and have a fear of what is happening inside we must pray that Mara and the other girl... will be fine " Umeiko Green's eyes were glowing, indicating that she was shifting into her beast form, but she was unable to do so due to the restriction collar on her neck.

" If only this could be broken," Umeiko murmured angrily as she gripped the indestructible collar around her neck.

The room is filled with a smoky haze that contains a chemical that can stimulate those who inhale it. The only items in the room are a king-sized bed, candles, and sexually provocative accessories. There were just three individuals in the room, one male and two females.

Mara is the name of one of the females who is currently forcing her feeble body to crawl into the farthest corner of the room while her terrified blue-green eyes stare forward and Balto Hakkin hovers over the other fearful girl. She wanted to do something, but she felt powerless since the smoke was not only making her weaker but also causing her body to feel an unfamiliar and uncomfortable type of heat as if the smoke was forcing her body to go on heat. Mara was so afraid that she was unable to speak or cry, just looking in horror as the swinish governor carried out his filthy desires.

Under the influence of the medicine, the girl's silky skin was flushed. Her eyes were brimming with tears due to her terror. Balto Hakkin squinted his already shrunken eyes as he pushed himself between her smooth white thighs. Balto Hakkin squinted his already shrunken eyes as he pushed himself between her smooth white thighs.

"N-NO!! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! The girl yelled "DON'T TOUCH ME!!" as she attempted to push her assailant, only to be pushed down roughly again by Hakkin. 


"Shut Up! You dirty whore, just satisfy me already!" Hakkin growled as he laughed nefariously, his scanty, nasty eyes glimmering with lust

"NO!!! WAHH!"

He stroked his short, pudgy hand along the seam of the girl's underwear. The girl was trembling and breathing heavily due to both distaste and the influence of the smoke, which caused her chest to rise and fall.

Hakkin abruptly tore the flimsy covering from the girl's vulnerable area.

"NO!" Mara and the girl yelled simultaneously.

As a result of the smoke, Balto's eyes instantly glowed with tremendous lust, and he undid his pants to reveal his sizable carrot (Don't ask why this is my description :) )

He grasped her waist and plunged mercilessly into her with his sizable carrot :)

She screamed. 

The horrific act repeatedly flashed before Mara's eyes. Undoubtedly for the rest of her life, this gruesome scene will remain her worst trauma.

Hello, again readers I hope minors really skip reading this part :) 

I think this is the first one of the worst chapters in this novel hehehhe

Bye! ehe (^^)v

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