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The next day the generals departed early but unlike yesterday they didn't have a partner as they decide to gather info's individually. Cai Fei also dispatched his people again silently.

Hua Heng's Pov

I never expected that this body never board a ship?!

What am I doing now?

My body was currently sprawled on the ship's floor like a starfish. I have a feeling that if I move, I will spew my guts out.

I wanted to look into how the province's primary businesses operate as well as learn more about the governor's shipping business.

Sadly, sea sickness is unavoidable sighs.

I need some medicine!! Ughh my stomach is churning! Wait-

I should hide to my space for the mean time ah why didn't I think sooner! Dumb me

I force myself to stand up and look for a place to hide and transport myself inside the space.


"Finally!!" I let myself fall on the soft grasses

What do you think? My churning, uneasy stomach vanished in a second. I'm not sure how, but this space is truly miraculous.

I almost forgot I had a small beast staring at me with big brown eyes beside me as I enjoyed the nice breeze.

"What? Are you smithen by this master's beauty?" I teased

Meimei's face twitched

"Master your kidding yourself this Mei mei is not kind of a woman who can be smithen by anyone hmph! Look at you now did Master saw her face your ugly!"

I laughed as I catched the little bun pinching her pinkish cheeks. This adorable annoying beast of mine is so cute that makes me to pinch her cheeks or slap her butts every time I interact with her.

" Yes I'm ugly so what? I'm still your master so if I'm ugly your ugly too hahaha" I love teasing her

"H-humph! Noewww! Mei ish not fugly aym cute! Pwetty beast! Master let go of me wuu" the little bun's big brown eyes starts to tear up again so I let go of her

Meimei hold her red cheeks and look at me with aggrieved face and pouts.

So cute!

"Master you meanie! Did you just come here to bully me again huhuhu I didn't even do any bad yet ah I didn't even start to eat those yummy leaves -"


"Ohmph-" She stops and looked at me with big eyes

I raised my eyebrow and look at her with dagger eyes.

"Oh? Your planning to eat those spirit leaves without consulting me again? You have guts" I tried to look at her with cold and dark expression to scare her

"Hahaha master Meimei is just kidding hehehe I - I will not eat those yumm- uhm leaves without your permission aah" Meimei was scared again as she unconsciously touched her bottom

"Pfft- as long you r obedient I'll give some bonus leaves to snack" It's not bad to spoil this little bun a bit

"Wahh! Thank you, Master wuu I love you so much!" the little bun was happy as what I thought

Me and Meimei talks about somethings as well checking the garden.

I'm impressed that Meimei manage to grow the garden so well given to her gluttony. I recognized some of the plants but some are not given to their unique looks but Meimei should know these plants.

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now