Gold rank battle (1)

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Smiling facede of Shu Wei ≥∆≤
Well...... Enjoy!

Morning comes as the sun rises slowly, it's light dawn and a particular location, countless of scattered people can be seen still heavy asleep. Rou Hua Heng woke up and gets out from her tent to check her soldiers but only to laugh out load as she saw them lying in the ground as if they are dead.

"These is my first time to see hundreds of people lying in the ground sleeping compare to the thousand people I saw back lying in the ground but with pool of blood hehehe"Hua Heng raised her bows as he poke the drooling Du Fang with her foot

"Nyahhh....meat...handsome...I'm...meat...." He murmurs making Hua Heng poke him more in amusement

One minute passed and Chen Diyu gets out from his tent and saw the scattered drunk people from the last night still heavily at sleep. He saw their mistress poking the other commanders and he feels his mistress is enjoying poking them. Chen Diyu was at loss and felt laughing inside but his stone face didn't make an expression, he walk towards his mistress to ask what to do.

"Good morning,mistress"

"Oh? Chen hehehehe glad your not drunk like these fools"

"Miss, what shall we do to them? The next battle of gold rank will start soon"

"Hmmmm... Since we don't have fights today then it's okey..... If anyone of you wants to go and watch then go, I will also go and watch the fun"Hua Heng casually said

"Then let's leave them he-" Chen Diyu didn't finished his sentence when a slender finger stops his lips

"Shh.... Who said that I , Rou Hua Heng, the daughter of the Strongest general of Guo can let her soldiers be lazy even it only one day? Hmph! This miss will show them how to wake up early, Chen go and fetch two big pails with cold water now!"

The stunned Chen Diyu finally woke up and heard her mistress orders, he unknowingly followed her command in daze and with a red face. A certain little bun was giggling inside the space as he watched the scene.

Hehehehehe That man didn't know what he is into hehehehehehhehe Spring is coming Spring is coming ah ah ah(^^)

Did you say something?

No,master ah! I just think spring is coming........

It's near winter you know..


Chen came back with two big piles of cold water and his red face before is gone and replaced by a stoic stone. An androgynous man in red was giggling like a devil and smirked at her sleeping soldiers. She puts her two palms in the metal pails as she whispered a short chant, seconds later the cold waters begun to rise up from the pails, the controlled waters divided itself into smaller yet slightly big droplets shapes spreading it to the area of her soldiers who are still heavily asleep. Chen Diyu was snapped into his reverie and looked at the cyrstal like droplets in the air surrounding the sleeping people, he confused for a minute but comes into the realization of what is his mistress will going to do. Chen Diyu sighs but his eyes gleamed with evilness.

To wake all of you up must drop mistress will give all of you a nice bath

Hua Heng chants once more and the cold droplets begins to already cold mists, it is a sign that the cold water becomes colder that if someone touch one of the droplets will will the coldness up into their bones.

"Waley! Wakey! You drunkards!" Hua Heng shout and her slender hands form a seal

Acting like Naruto even I don't need to make a hand seal on this though hahahahahahahaha XD I regret to say "Kagibunshin technique" hayst

The bone chilling droplets lost its gravity and rains down to the sleeping soldiers.


"Ahhh!! Cold!!"

"It's so cold!!"

"Cold! So cold! Ahhh!"

"What the hell of droplets are these so cold to the bones!"

"I'm freezing!!!"

"Give us hot water!"

The sleeping soldiers jolt from their dreams as the droplets touches their skins, causing them to shout and jumps from the coldness. While those soldiers were muttering and shouting as they shivered, a red robed androgynous girl was standing in the big rock giggling evilly watching the chaos she caused a minute ago. Her big bright eyes were twinkling with mischief,her red rose lips curved into a perfect moon arc and her inky hair that is ponytailed were swaying gently on her back if the soldiers were to glance at her will be enchanced and awe as they saw a fairy smiling at them.

Too bad......that fairy is not a good fairy but a naughty fairy

Hua Heng is smiling because she loves to see someone's suffering from her works.

"Huhuhuhuhu aiyo! I'm freezing to death ah! Ah! Why is the rain so cold?!T^T" Yu Heng said as he rubs his arms to warm up his eyes were misty and his face were flush with redness

Aweee Yu is so cute!

Master, am I cute!? Little meimei is cuter than him okey?!

Heng! Don't self proclaimed,you glutton!

(T^T)--mei Me

"F-freezing hu c-cold! Who pours the cold water?! " Du Fang is stuttering

"Eh? "

"GOOD MORNING TO ALL OF YOU" Hua Heng voice rang into their ears making the groggy and shouting guys to halt and looked at the red robes androgynous man standing in the big rock,smiling- morelikely smirking at them

"Did you like the morning shower?"their General ask with a foxy smile plastered on her face

"!!!"--all of them

General make those bone chilling waters?! T-T




Rou Hua Heng raised her eyebrow and look smugly at her pouting soldiers.

"Sober enough?" she taunted

"YES GENERAL! WE THANK GENERAL FOR WAKING US!"they begrudgingly shouted with bitter looks

"Well better wash up and cultivate yourself if not go to the arena and watch the battle to broaden your horizons, follow Commander Chen Diyu if you want go''

"I'm going" Hua Heng said and disappeared like a wind, half that she must be early to go and find suitable seat and half to escape from her soldiers accusing eyes and pouted lips just like the ducks

"Pfftt! Aiya! Wuxia, so naughty ah hihihihi(≥^≤)"

Soldiers:"................he escaped......."

In the other side...

And cut!!
Sorry if this one is short and very.................

But I promise the next one is longer but it will take time to posted it again due to my busy days of school😄😅
Sorry that these following months/days I'm posting like a snail and also only one chapters at a time😣

But I will gladly work my ass off to post many when my vacation will come^^

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