Gold rank battle (2)

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Wen Ping's uncaring face☝

I'm going" Hua Heng said and disappeared like a wind, half that she must be early to go and find suitable seat and half to escape from her soldiers accusing eyes and pouted lips just like the ducks

"Pfftt! Aiya! Wuxia, so naughty ah hihihihi(≥^≤)"

Soldiers:"................he escaped......."

In the other side...

General Mu's territory

"Mu Qing!!! You rascal!! Where are you?! You stupid niece!" The thunder roar of a raging bull rang inside the General's tent

Birds that is resting on the tree tops were scared shaken as they flaps their small wings and flew away as the thunder voice of an angry man still clamoring wave by wave. The pitiful soldiers running all sides shouting the name of their General scared to be thrown and being kicked in the butt by the angry uncle,Mu Sheng.

"Commander Mu, General Qing is not yet to be found"

"What! You can't still find your wastrel of a general Mu Qing?! What are all of you doing you fools! Get out! And search him!!" Mu Sheng shouted and kicked the shivering second commander in the butt

"Aiya! Aw!!" The pitiful commander was kicked out of the tent

The soldiers outside looked at their second commander who kicked out from the tent with sympathy.

"Hayst! He is the tenth one"

"Huhuhuhuhu my buns are still aching (T^T)"

"That General Qing is so playful! A mischievous one! Now looked because of him a devil sprung upon us!"

"Commander Mu Sheng the devil''

In a certain tent , the raging demon is still shouting profanities against his missing niece. The soldiers near the tent were shaken and scared to make a noise as they run, looking for their missing General.

"General come out ah!''

"Huhuhu... General Mu have mercy!"

"Ah!! The demon kicked another soldier again!''

"Wahhh! I'm next!''

''General Mu you flower thief! Come out!"

"Don't make us your sacrificial lamb!"

Inside a noble girl's room in the inside of the arena

"A....a....Aaaachhoo!" A handsome man sneezed

Bad premonition......the demon is angry

"Ah! Are you alright,Qing gege?" The noble girl with big watery eyes looked worriedly at the slender man lying and fumbling on her big chest

"Little Xie, I'm alright ah! You shouldn't worry about me" a sly smile appears on the handsome man's face

The noble girl, Xiexie blushed and tried to cover her red cheeks as she pouted at him.

"Gege don't tease Xiexie ah" she coquettishly whined like a cat

The handsome man looked at the blushing girl infront of him with a sly smile of a fox as his eyes looks down and stared at the big round melons waiting for him to taste and squeeze.

"Gege is not teasing Xiexie ah gege is serious you should worry about yourself" then he begin to fumble again the big melons with his itchy hands

"Kyahhhhhh! Ah...g-gege......y-you ah.... Don't squish t-too....ah..hard.." Xiexie moans and grabs the shoulder of the slender man

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now