The next round

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Only the army won the gold rank mock battle and proceeded for the next round.

Aside from the unconscious gold rank soldiers both silver and copper generals and soldiers look down gloomily because they will not be participating in the next round. The Silvers can only sighs and comfort their heavy hearts because they have no chance of winning against the 3 silver pillars but on the copper's side is the opposite. The generals were gritting their teeth as they curse their cunning perpetrator on their minds, they can't still accept that the missily small army that they've once bullied defeated them all in one swoop with tricks and their cunning attacks. Some of the raging generals went to complain about the unfairness of the bronze army and their general to the Justice officers but only to get a lazy snort reply:All's fair in War ah

Raging Generals:"........."

You officials of justice are just a bunch of lazy bums!

These is not even a war ah!

The eunuch of the Emperor, Lin Pei announced the winners of each rank levels and also the next round.

"On Behalf of the Great emperor this loyal servant will announce the winners! Step forward victorious generals and receive the next edict of the Emperor!" Lin Pei's voice resonated the whole arena

"Let's go 😁" Tao Tong happily stands up as he use his qinggong

Letting out a sigh, Mu Qing and Wen Ping followed using their qinggong and a flying sword. Shu Wei was wiping the blood and sweat on his face when he heard the announcement and look up to the direction of the the Royal's podium apatheticly, putting down the drenched bloody towel he walk out from their resting area after he commands his two commanders to handle the rest.

On the other hand,three black clothed men were rumbling and pacing like chickens in their while while the other is sitting calmly but cold sweats were trickling on the the side of his cold face.

"What to do what to do?! Mistress is not here!"Mo ran paced back and forth as he munch his finger nails

"We didn't even know when did she leave ah and what's more heart aching miss didn't bother to tell and leaving us,her local gaurds here *sob*" Du Fang complains with fake sobs

"Aish! Screw it! Now what are we going to do?! Miss is missing and were the only ones that represents our army ah! Hey! Chen youre the calmness among us what do you think we have to do now?" Mo Ren looked at the sitting Chen Diyu

Opening his cold eyes, Chen Diyu stands up and fixed his clothes he opened his mouth to tell them his plan.

" Now that miss is not here, we we commanders must subtitute to receive the decree on behalf of our miss"

"Nice idea! But is it alright?" Due Fang ask


"Aish! Screw it! Chen Diyu because your the more brainier among us here you should go ah" Mo Ren scratched his head in frustration

"Got it" Chen Diyu curtly replied back and use his qinggong to catch up to he rest of the generals

Five men dressed in different armour attire were standing on the Royal's podium with a gust of wind different auras were spread wide as the owners of those auras want to compete who's stronger.

Chen Diyu who noticed the thick presence of auras, he quickly leaked his own but he never thought that his auras were laced by a strong killing intent which the other four immediately alerted. They looked at the source of the thick killing intent and realized that the owner is none other than the commander of Shiroku army.

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