The stroll

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The next day Hua Heng went out sightseeing in the capital of Quo after all even in the past Hua Heng never went beyond the bounds of their fu. Before the competition starts, she must enjoy herself for a while and go out in her girl outfit.

 Before the competition starts, she must enjoy herself for a while and go out in her girl outfit

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(Just imagine this is Hua heng^^)

Some of her inky black hair was curled and tied up adorned with simple but pretty flower pins while most of her hair was straightened down only just the way she liked. She also wore a veil covering the lower part of her face, she knew that her face was so beautiful(not exaggerating but it was the truth) and also she did not to be recognized by people in the army or palace. Hua Heng didn't want to be troubled while she was in the middle of enjoying herself. She got her paper umbrella and went out.

The lowermost area of the capital is bustling with different noises and activities, Àn Će. Àn Će is the dark side of the kingdom where most of the dark dealings and crimes are present.

Whether it is sad, joy, or grief the noises were mixed. Most of the people are men with different auras and positions in life and are now walking around side by side and some of them wear masks or a hat to hide their own identities.

The gambling house called Hongya is bustling with many gamblers. But in the center area of the gambling house, many gamblers pack around circling the four people with their shrewd eyes and gossip mouths. The three guys sitting are silently staring intently at the wooden cup that the red-haired boy is holding.

"Brat dares to trick us again or else we will skin you!" The first guy wearing maroon robes and a hat threatens with his yellowish teeth and mouth spewing saliva

"Tsk.. you ugly...stop opening your canal mouth it's disrupting " the hair boy coldly said as his emerald eyes boringly stared at the wooden cup

"Y-you!-" the guy with maroon robes

"Shut up, Báichī," the cold red-haired said

"What do all of you predict? Hurry and tell" he curtly said in his bored sleepy voice

"*Pei* What a bunch of bird brains" he muttered as he controlled himself from yawning

The three guys glared at him with their shrewd murderous eyes at what they'd heard. Gritting and clenching their teeth and fist they swallowed the blood that surged fort inside. The second guy wearing a yellow robe and hat first to talk.

"Five fours!" He said

"Four three!" The third guy wearing a brown robe and hat said

"Hmph! I will say that the number is six fours!" The maroon robe guy said arrogantly

The red-haired boy looked with mirth in his emerald eyes at the pompous guy and he took a peek at the die inside of the cup. He smirks but it fades instantly and looks up in front.

("Dice" is the plural form of die^^)

Okay remember all of your bets and promises," he said coldly and he opened the cup containing the die

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