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The golden ball was still squirming to free itself when the man snatched the small scroll from its mouth.


The mask man opened it and after a few minutes, he returned it back to the golden ball's mouth.

The golden ball lets out a happy chirp when the scroll was returned. It still continue to squirm when the golden ball feel the hand that is holding it loosened. It quickly flew away from the hand and without looking at its captor, the golden ball with wings flew quickly thinking the man will catch it again.

Seeing the little winged demon flew away, the man let out a snicker and goes back inside the void disappearing in the darkness.

In a dim lighted room inside the palace, a void appeared and a man with a mask appeared.

" Your back?so fast?" A man's voice suddenly echoed the silent room


" Father asked you to clean up ( find evidence) the Daria's governor and his ally but it seems you won't need to look for it?" In the dark corner where the wide sofa is placed, a silhouette of a man can be seen lying

" The generals whom father tasked first to investigate had a good strategy, they infiltrate their base by disguising themselves as women-"

"Pfft- aren't they looked funny and so manly to disguise themselves as a woman, I bet they ripped their clothes if they move"

"No... Only two of them infiltrate, the youngest General from the house of Ping and the... Eldest son of General Rou Cheng"

" Hmmm... I guess they are perfect for disguise especially the eldest son of Rou,right?  His body was so slender like a woman now compared the first time we saw him in the palace banquet in the past. You even met him that time when you are crowned as a crown prince" The man in the sofa said with a humor

The mask man was identified as the crown prince of the empire, Qiang Guo Xiu.

The dim room suddenly brightens illuminating the whole space.

" Brother, are you still curious about the eldest son of Rou?" Qiang Guo Shu asked

The crown prince sat on his office chair and begins to write a report according to the information he got from Hua Heng and his own. Before the Generals are still investigating, he already infiltrate the governor's ship as well his residence. He already obtained valuable evidence to erase the reigning governor and his clan, the generals will be the one to obstruct the Governor's business, save the victims and purge the Governor's allied criminal gang, the Chameleons. The afthermath will be handled by him as well the person that will be appointed to be the governor.

Hearing his brother's humor , Qiang Guo Xiu still didn't answer.

" Wanna know why the Eldest son of Rou who suppost to be poisoned came to military with weak power and suddenly become a dark horse from the previous event?"


" Heh... Your no fun...ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ" The second prince shrugged

"I don't mess with other people's lives as long as they don't make a move that  involves my matters" the Guo Xiu finally replied in a cold manner

" Doesn't it concern you? Especially when talking about your favourite loyal family supporter and our teacher too"

"General Rou told us not to interfere to their welfare. We can only provide fair judgement when their time comes to present their revenge"

" What about those rotten clans from the concubine's side, did they move again?"

" Not yet..."

"Tch! They're that cautious? Did they knew you are baiting them?"

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now