115- Meeting

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As night gave way to morning, the generals got an early start on their day by disguising themselves. They come in one by one and reside in front of the brothel's reception area. As soon as all of them are completed, Hua Heng leads the way, and they finally make it to the port, where they hire a small ship and set sail in the direction of the sea.

"Hey, Rou, are you certain that those pirates are hiding here?" Mu Qing cannot help but inquire because they have been here for half an hour sailing, the sun is still rising, and the fog is so thick that they cannot see their surroundings.

"Yes, just wait a bit their ship will show up " Hua Heng yawns while sitting on the watch tower of the ship

I am so sleepy  

* Master, I have a medicine for you to wake you up!*

Oh? did you make a wake-up pill or something, Meimei?

* Yes, master it is one of the best inventions I ever made ah! It is not a pill but a liquid potion!*

Then what is it? 

* Hehehe master I am sure you will praise me hmph! It is called a urine potion!*

Urine...potion you say...

* Master this urine potion is extracted from a smelly plant I discovered here and not only it can wake you up but it can be used to get rid of enemies temporarily ah! With just one smell of it, those people will feel what is the smell of hell like hahaha*

So, I, your master, You want me to smell it to take my sleepiness? or are you trying to make me smell what is hell like?

* H-hehehe master I was joking hehe t-this potion might not be a solution for you but for the evil people ah!*

Did you try that potion of yours on yourself?

* E-hmmm well ...yeah I can't forget how my soul floats up when I first smell it*


So you tell me I am one of those evil people? 

*No! no! master you are a good p-person. I'm just joking about giving you that potion hehe when. Master, I bid you fare well I...I have to take care of the herbs BYE!*

Pshhh! that naughty little brat

Hua Heng let out another yawn when in the peripheral of her eyes she saw a shadow of a ship moving in their direction.

" They are here!" she informed her comrades below 

"Finally!" Tao Tong stands up and cracks his stiff neck 

A shadow of a ship was seen emerging from the thick fog facing Hua Heng's ship, and as the ship approached Hua Heng's group, shadows of people standing in front waving at them were seen. When the pirate's vessel finally reached their ship four people jumped up and lands on their ship's floor. 

" Wade, Caspian" Hua Heng called them as she went down by jumping straight

"Mr. Hua, glad we meet again!" Wade smiled widely as he walk towards her

" Just like what I said Wade I will introduce to you all my companions"- Hua

" Oh my! We were honored to meet the 4 pillars of the empire and as well you Mr. Hua the son of the greatest general" -Wade  

" Hey! Rou, why is that person calling you Hua? Your name didn't have any word Hua" Tao Tong asks

" That...I am borrowing the name of my sister" Hua Heng excused

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now