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The governor took Rou Hua Heng and Wen Ping to his luxurious room. Seeing the man taking his captures to his private room signifies how precious and serious the governor is about the two.

Pushing Hua Heng and Wen Ping to his big bed, Balto Hakkin's lewd eyes skimmed over their body once again and laugh loudly. He is shouting inside his head how lucky he was to enjoy such high-caliber beauty in this life.

"Tonight this governor will enjoy your company. Serve me well and I will grant both of you whatever you two desires. Hahahaha!" He gave an offer that he knew no one can reject

Just being with him the governor of  Darya, the most popular port of the empire. If anyone can satisfy him, fame and wealth will be within their reach.

But if you did cross the line, your life will be easily taken at will just knew order from his mouth.

Balto Hakkins grabbed a golden goblet filled with wine and started to gobble it down. His yellowish skin tone started to turn red and let out a satisfied burp.

" You! Come here and undress me" he ordered and pointed to the silent red-haired girl

Wen Ping looked at Balto Hakkins with disgust as he contemplate whether he will obey or just swish his sword cutting the pig-like man in half.

Hua Heng pinched his side and he looked down a bit and saw Hua Heng's look.

He bit his lip and grudgingly walked towards the governor with a killer look.

Balto Hakkins was smirking as he lustfully looked at Wen Ping's whole body slowly walking his way. While waiting, he unconsciously unties his robes letting them fall down to the floor.

Lo and behold!

Balto Hakkin's naked body was shown, this perverted governor was naked inside all along.

Both Hua Heng and Wen Ping's eyes bulged and can't help to gasp in surprise and disgust.

Their minds sync with the same words at that moment.


"This man is too ready to do lewd things ah! But how he relieved himself for long with that small 3-centimeter organ? Is that it? Now it is erected from the excitement that the organ's size and length is not much bigger and longer than my palm ah!" Hua Heng criticized her mind

A certain bun was also agreeing in unison inside the dimension while chewing snacks.

" How come this lewd dandy fatty man appointed as a governor?! Are those old geezers in the palace so blind and corrupted to appoint such dog man?! He is ordering me to undress him yet he does undress himself lah...F**K this master didn't sign up to be a general to see a peanut-sized pen*s! Should I kill him this instance?!" Wen Ping was having an internal fight inside his mind

"Come this lord will make you the happiest woman.HAHAHA! Being with me you will get whatever you want as long as your actions in bed satisfy this lord!" Balto Hakkins exclaims arrogantly.

Wen Ping was holding back his urge as he really stands walking slowly while his companion was happily making fun of him inside her head with a little bun as a listener.  If Wen Ping knows she is ridiculing him, this plan of stealthily entering the enemy will be thwarted because he will most likely summon his sword and cut the governor's neck before turning back to argue with Hua Heng.

He was so close to being grabbed by the grabby claws of the governor when a servant announced his presence by shouting loudly.

"G-governor! I have something to tell you!!" The servant holding a lamp trembles due to the  governor's glare

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now