Mysterious antique shop

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Rou Hua Heng was walking aimlessly as she was thinking the two men she encountered on the room.She finally realized that the room was strange and she didn't even sense it sooner.

That room was filled with oppressive auras and yet I didn't even realized it ah? That couple are powerful! Phew! Thank goodness I escaped quickly or else....

Hua Heng noticed she was standing in front of an old door while roaming aimlessly.

Huh? This is strange; I thought I was on the right path, so why is there suddenly a shop?

The door was old, the wood pattern was nearly invisible, and she estimated that one punch would reduce the door to dust at any time, but she quickly sensed something coming out of the old door. Even though it is so old, it exudes such a distinct aura that people want to touch it.

Rou Hua Heng was tempted to open the door, but she couldn't.

What if what's inside would be a trap? Or is it a beast waiting to pounce on me?

She has a lot of doubts and concerns, but Rou Hua Heng or Wuxia was always interested in strange things and happenings, so she eagerly twisted the knob and opened the door.


The first thing she saw was a counter with an old man sleeping.The Attach bells chimed and the old man wakes up,he saw someone came to his shop.

Finally a customer! His eyes glowed in glee and smiled widely

"Hello, young lady, welcome to my shop. Come see if there are items you like or ask this old man what you want and I will try my best to see if there are any," the old man remarked, beaming at his 100th customer.

Rou Hua Heng stiffens and seems surprised when the old guy discovers her true gender. She looks at the old man who is smiling so brightly in her direction and can't help but smile wryly.

This old man was not  ordinary ah! He can determine my gender so immediately , and I can feel an ominous atmosphere behind him, which makes me feel a little uneasy! This antique shop was so intriguing...

She nods and walks over to the place. The shop was plain on the outside and inside, but if you look closely, you will notice that there are three ancient large shelves with various items exhibited, including books, sticks, swords, bows, arrows, antique maps, armor, and little boxes in various styles. Rou Hua Heng begins to circle the entire area, fascinated.

"Hmmm, these are antique swords, and look at those scratches seeing how many battlefields this sword has been in."

"Oh, this spear isn't bad, but I already have one."

"What exactly is this?"

"What exactly is it?"

She look and touch many things but nothing caught her eyes.She arrives on the books area and saw many old books there.

Wow so many books!I hope I can see things or two that can help me learn some ancient techniques ah

She begun to scan the old books .


Beast book

Healing books



Martial arts

Yes! Martial arts! Finally!

She began to look at the old books by fun there is any book that catches her eyes and sigh. She give up on martial arts and starts to get books about beast herbs and healing books when something fell from the shelf where she gets the beast book,its a yellow book with an old title on the front.

Unlimited spirit energy

Hua Heng's eyes twinkled like stars when she saw it. Hua Heng is overjoyed because she has finally found an interesting book, so she pulls it up. As she picks up the book, she notices a glimmer in the corner of her eye.

"What's that?"

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