This is just a lizard ah!

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The three idiots (the three vice commanders^^) and the lizard is fastly getting nearer to the army's direction. The warriors are sighing and mumbling colourful words at them, the warriors look at Hua Heng and her two commanders with ,"We don't want to be involved ah " look on their faces.

Hua Heng sighs and amusely said," Fineee....scatter! Scatter! If you don't want to help those idio- I mean those three commanders then fine let them settle their problems its not our problem ah then... ONWARDS!" She quickly ordered her horse to run while the warriors scatters themselves forming a blooming flower formation . Hayst, Hua Heng's army are really weird ah.

Respect a monkey with brain like human and ignore the dog with a brain of a chicken(Respect those who bring good and honour while ignore those who brings only trouble)

This quote can be described the scenario today as the once lined army is now scattering themselves to avoid the trio and the lizard while the helpless trio is running in circles while being fired with fire by the furious lizard.

"Eh is that an egg?" One soldier said as he saw an egg as big as a water melon being held by Du Fang

Chen Diyu and Rou Heng saw the egg and sighs

That's why they are being chased ! Total idiots with brains of a chicken pei!

Du Fang was panting while he is still holding the water melon sized egg tightly.

"Huhuhu no one is helping oh! Those bunch of bastards wait until I'm freed from this crazy lizard aiiya! Don't breath fire my precious hair!" He immediately soak his slightly burn hair with water from his innate power when he suddenly let go of the egg


All of the sudden silence was engulfed

"My egg!" Du Fang

"\0o0/ It cracked!" The twins

"No sh*t Sherlock aye! " the entire army

"Kekekeke" Rou Hua Heng evilly cackles

The poor egg was shattered and the yolk was brightly seen.

Ah oh that's too bad that big egg is good to be fried into a big sunny side up for breakfast eh( Rou Heng thoughts)

But I'm more excited to see them being toasted hoho

All of the sudden an earth shattering cry can be heard coming the fire lizard. They look at the lizard as it transformed or rather grow in size and teeth and claws elongated and sharpens, its red beady snake eyes look deadly on Du Fang. The lizard again roars and launch itself to Du fang's direction .

"OH Mother! Help me!" Du Fang starts to run

"Aiiya......this fire lizard is sure scary oh... look her level increased sure females are scary when their child was harmed eyy ah pity a pity " Rou Hua Heng sighs and shed one crocodile tear

In a dimensional space a certain loli in pink was fusing anger.

"Master is sure had a heart of gold ah look look she sheds tear yet it can't be considered white but black ah so black ah!" The little bun whines

"Look how miserable the lizard now? Your soldiers just snatch her egg and breaks in front of her, isn't that abuse?! '' Meimei added wanting to guilt trip her master

Raising an eyebrow," You brat stop fussing eh? Why would I help that lizard ah its her own fault she didn't notice those three idiots snatching her egg and scold those three not me ah I save those who have benefits "

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