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Soft black red colored fabric with simple design on the belt Rou Hua Heng dressed again in a male's clothing.

Soft black red colored fabric with simple  design on the belt Rou Hua Heng dressed again in a male's clothing

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After giving some instructions to Chen Diyu and Du Fang she enters to her divine dimensional ring. She found her little bun in the side of her small storage with a dark gloomy aura surrounding her little bun while drawing circles.

" Eh? I thought I saw a dark mushroom looming the corner oh! What happen to you?"she ask

The gloomy little Meimei look at her and with a teary eyed eyes she rushes to Hua Heng and clamp herself to her thigh .

"Uwahhhh! Master is so mean! Not faithful! Not fair! Wahhhhhhh *sob* Why did you leave me behind ah? I wanted to go outside but you master left me here, Meimei is so sad woo... Meimei wants master to reflect and take Meimei out!"she complains bawling and looking at her with those tear strike brown eyes

This little bun is so cute! *nose bleed* I can't take this kind of cuteness!

Hua Heng holds her nose and look helplessly at her cute bun," Alright, I will not leave you behind promise so cut off that cute act do you want your master to die because of blood loss!"

Meimei finally stops crying and smiles mischievously and she starts to floats around her like fly praising her, Ruo Hua Heng sighs.

This bun is so mischievous but cute I will let her pass this time

"Lets see again the things I've got in that storage"She went to her mini storage

She pulled all the stuff inside and put on the ground.

One shovel

One small sack of seeds

A water sprinkle

One rusty sword

And two books

"...."Hua Heng

This this.......are they useful enough?

"Little bun what are the use of these?"

Meimei look at her master with a deadpan look inside her her head Meimei is calling her master,"Aiya! Master did you become a block head?

Simply replying "Master you have to make your own garden "

Garden? Oh? I read this one,so this land here is good ?!

"Master this land is a heavenly soil that is more suitable for planting spirited herbs than all the soils outside,in here the growth is more faster and the air water and land is reach in yinyang energy,anything that you will plant here will be more useful and effective than the herbs outside ah and also master you can cultivate here too but you have to consume rejuvenating energy Dan pill because your body's Yinyang is lacking"

She can see my energy? She so little but powerful hehehe

"But there is no water here even a pond,there is only a vast of green land here"she ask confused

"Only if master's level is 45 and above you can obtain a water you see if master's level rise up this dimensional will also rise up ah and many things you will find after levels ah" little Meimei explains look at her master with a look of,"Hurry up! Master little wants you to level up this place is so dull ah"

Rou Hua Heng snickered and pinch little buns cheeks until it looks like a red peach plum.

"Ah! Aiiyooo! Wahhhhhhh so mean! Master ah! Look at my cheeks its swollen ah wuwuwu!"while holding her red cheeks as her water works flows but it didn't change Hua Heng's poker face

"I can't help it your too cute and this master wants to pinch your cheeks again"she said shrugging as she put her wriggling jade hands in front of Meimei as if trying to reach her,Meimei shrieks and quickly move away from her mean master

"Hmph! Hmph! Meimei is not easy to bully ah!" She pulls out her tongue making little bun's doll like appearance more cuter and adorable as her cute pink and fluffy clothes sway to the wind

*spurts blood*

"Little bun you're too much!"

And Rou Hua Heng fainted from loosing too much blood x_x

Just joking! :-)>-<

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