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Hello minna*waves*
Sorry if it took me days to finish these one chapter 😅🙏

I hope you like these extra scene chapter hehehe🙌😆👌

In a wide lush and sparkling garden, a pair of master and servant can be seen arguing. One is plucking herbs amateurishly while the other little person is buzzing angrily like an angry bee as she tongue-lashed her master.

"No! No! No! Ah! Master your plucking it wrongly ah!-Ay! Don't leave the roots! Wahh! My precious plants! Master you amateur alchemist! Amateur gardener!"

"Shut up! You little bee! I'll spank you!"

"My precious foods..."teary eyed Meimei grumbles


After looting the amount of herbs she needed to make elixirs, Hua Heng gave the rooted herbs to her little bun.

"Now start grinding ah"the arrogabt master ordered

"See?! See?! I am always being the one who make those elixirs ah! Your the alchemist here not me why should I make those instead of you?!" The little bun can't help to voice her resentment as she pouts and makes a pitiful appearance trying to make her master guilty

"I am busy " Hua Heng answered without remorse as she proudly puff her chest and looked at her


Shameless indeed! You have much time to do these but why me?

Looking at the deadpanned Meimei, Hua Heng put a haughty expression and teased.

"I'm your master your my disciple and if your master is busy you the follower must help her ah afterall this task is not hard neh"

Not hard my foot! Grinding this plants for two hours is so exhausting! My little arms and back will ache and my stomach will digest quickly and I will go hungry ah! I'm not even your disciple! I am your contractual beast a legendary beast!

Meimei can't spout all her grievances afraid that her master will spank her butt again so she just looked at Hua Heng with anger and puffed her cheeks more.

She is so cute even she is angry and look at that puffed white cheeksit looks like a pufferfish !Is she asking for a pinch?!

Hua Heng shook her head and cough,

"I'll be back in a few hours so start working "


"No buts or I'll spank your butt besides I'm not that heartless I will reward you handsomely"

Meimei's eyes shined brightly as she heard her master's last word and looked at Hua Heng.


"Yes ah " Hua Heng said smugly

"Then this little turtle will start now!"

Hua Heng looked slyly at the little bun who speedily flew away back to the dimensional cabinet to get the things.

My Meimei is so simple to deceive wahahahaha!

After finishing her agenda she exited from her dimensional space.

The Emperor, Empress, and their sons decide to go back to their chambers. The second prince,Qiang Guo Shui, voice out that he have something to do.

"Emperor father , Empress mother and brothers may excuse myself for a bit" Guo Shui temperately

"You go then" the Emperor said lightly as his eyes didn't even looked at his son but only to his beloved wife

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now