Smiling Demon(3)

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Yaho! ^^

Good morning/afternoon/evening to all of you!

My good white haired bro is so cute☝

Smiling coldly Shu Wei spokes,

"It seems that the two of you are willing to join party to face  me hmmm?"

"Defeating you first will make our victory to be cleared before beating your underlings" Dum ase sneered

"We will show you beat that your rank is the same as  ours!" Fai Bald boldly said

"Then it's my pleasure to have a fun mock battle with you,elders, let this junior of yours to learn and see what is our ranks can do" Shu Wei smugly said as his blue green eyes looked at them amused as if their words are jokes

"Y-you!" Dum ase pointed his finger angrily at him while Fai Bald was fuming with smokes on top of his head

"Me?'' Shu Wei points himself as he laugh and looked at them funnily again trying to burst the two men in anger and blood

"Charge!!! ''


Dum ase and Fai Bald charge like an angry bulls towards Shu Wei along with their thirty soldiers. Spears, bows and arrows and swords were directly pointed at him with a hidden malice and that is to take his life .

"Brat don't take us like some ants you can squash anytime you want!" Fai Bald spits angrily as he threw a circular orange ball of light that is condensed with his energy into Shu Wei's direction

The little orange light ball of energy is an explosive energy which Fai Bald's triumph card, if the ball touches anything it explodes immediately with a radius of five meters. Fai Bald' level of 95 along with his golden rank enhances his ball of explosive energy that people with a level of 70 below can be harmed by this little orange ball of his.

But , his orange ball is not enough to put a scratch on his enemy, the highest pillar of the four. A long thin sword came  from Shu Wei's golden orange shealt, it is thin and it is different from the other weapons. The handle of the swords is designed with a golden small figures of an eagle and snake but the mise eye catching of his sword is it's blade, a thin and sharp in both sides that can slice up anything it touches, the tip of the sword's length is small but deadly and lastly the color of the blade is  red orange as if the blade is alive and glowing brightly yet it not as bright that it can shines brightly like the sun but it shines in a pleasant sight. 

General Shu Wei's golden rapier of Demon😂

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General Shu Wei's golden rapier of Demon😂

"Ah?! Is that the golden rapier of demon?!" A shriek coming from a lady said

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now