The central capital- Quo

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Three days passed and Hua Heg's army safely passed the central gates and quickly they march down the luxurious road of the capital heading to the palace. People are giving way for them to pass but their eyes didn't conceal their mirth towards them.

"Look that's the little army ah"

"Hehehe did you know their base is a little far here ah"

"Tsk what's parading themselves here they are just a weak people being led by a weak bronze General"

"Hussh! Don't speak ill! It is still the son of the great general ah do you want to be killed ah"


Hearing those people bad-mouthing them and their general the five commanders and the two hundred warriors wanted to turn and beat them black and blue and scolds them with additional spit ah.

Who is weak ah? They are weAk their family is weak their nine generations are all weak PEI!

"Who did you called bronze General? Our general was a wolf an androgynous wolf hiding on a sheep's skin ah! You short-sighted people tsk!

They suck up a deep breath and look at their poker face General that is riding on the black stallion horse with his back straight and chin raised, their General has an aura of a cold asura who is riding on his horse going to his hometown from a bloody victorious war. Everyone was mesmerized upon seeing their great general and their gloomy aura disappeared and their proud and cold and detached aura returned.

Some people are not stupid and they noticed something wrong

"Look can you feel something cold behind your neck when that General Rou is passing? Aiya.... I feel something changed on seeing them ah"

"Are they supposed to be weak but I can't see them as being weak ah are you people blind ah?"

"Aiiya look at that General's face so handsome ah!" unmarried young girl giggles as she shook at the girl beside her

"True! True! He is so handsome too Aiya! Rumors tell that General Rou was an ugly man but look ah rumors can't really be trusted" the other girl said smiling and blushing

"En" the young girl agrees as she dreamily starred at the leaving army

Rou Hua stopped a bit and looked in the direction of the two giggling girls. Her sharp obsidian eyes looked at the two which makes them stop giggling and stared at her in a daze as if her eyes hypnotized their being. 

"Thank you for the praise, girls" she mouthed and gives them her killer smile, and left

The two girls snapped and when they realized what happened. Their faces turn red and can't help to scream.

"Kyahhhhhh ❤️😍"

Ruo Hua Heng and his army finally arrived at the palace gate and entered. They march until their General halts in front of the Emperor's court, they bowed and shouted the common honorary greeting

"Army 000 General Rou greets the son of heaven may the heavens bless the Emperor of Guo!! Rou Hua Heng greets loudly

"ARMY 000 GREETS THE EMPEROR OF GOU!!" The army greets their General

The emperor's eunuch came out from the big doors of the court surprising Hua Heng and her army.

The emperor's trusted eunuch, Lin pei ah

The eunuch smiled and bowed to Hua Heng," Greetings to General Rou, This eunuch was ordered by his highness to retrieve your scroll, General Rou" he said in a stiff yet respective tone

Hua Heng was confused but she immediately gave her scroll to the eunuch and smiled

"Eunuch Ling is too courteous his highness is so kind to send eunuch Lin to get my insignificant scroll hmmm" she smiled and look profoundly at the eunuch scanning the facial reaction of the other but only failed as the eunuch maintained his smile

"General is praising this eunuch too much this eunuch will leave first" eunuch ling bowed again and left

"This emperor's people are not simple ah," she thinks and her eyes shine with mirth

The day of the battle will be on the  15th day of bāyuè (August). The rumors say that the emperor of Guo is a wise and good emperor from what I've heard and it seems that the rumor is true ah. Before the battle begins we can go to our families to spend time, the emperor is also an equal judge when he judges people, nobility or not. He treats everyone equally even his warriors that are in the lowest rank, like my army but that's the past. My current army is now on par no stronger than those copper-rank armies and can compete with some silver-rank warriors ah aside from my five strongest warriors that can compete with some generals ranking in copper to silver hmmm...

I give some orders and disperse my army to return to their home *sighs* truly my base is so far away ah. After some time I and my personal warriors went back home to our manor where the main branch, of my family is located.

Finally, I can see the faces of my parents or rather so this girl's parents after so many months.  When they are at the front on the manor's gate I look up at the old family's placard where our clan name is carved by our old old ancestor.


It is quite old but the calligraphy has still excluded the aura of the clan




Even though the clan today is being bullied by the other clans and officials, the Rou clan is not soft marshmallows that be swallowed easily. This kind of family is good indeed ah, there are no snakes, dogs, or leeches in the clan but there are only bears, tigers, Fox, and bunnies.

*She means that there are no backstabbers, sluts, and schemers but only cuddly bear uncles, aunties, and parents, fierce wives, cute children, cunning elders, hot-headed and bird-brain cousins.^^

I take a deep breath and look at Du Fang to announce our arrival.


Two seconds passed when Hua Heng and her warriors heard many heavy and light footsteps coming inside the fu running towards them. There are also hushed noises that are laced with mixed emotions coming from them then.............


The six people are wondering what is happening...

And then...

Until the next chapter^^ hohohohoho^-^

Thank you for reading!

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