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The enemy soldiers gave up of fighting Shu Wei in front lines because they knew that they will only become one of the fallen that's why even though their general didn't comply them to retreat, their feet retreated and their weapons were shaking in fear as the smiling Azura is getting nearer Nd nearer at their directions. One soldier throws away his spear as he shriek I'm terror and fled as if he was chased by the mad man, one by one the soldiers gave up fighting and gladly falls to the ground as if they hugging the ground.

We will gladly lay our bodies into the ground so please have mercy on us oh great demon ah!

Every swing, countless of soldiers plop down on the ground with their mouth gurgling with white bubbles or their eyes were open wide but you can only see white. Even Shu Wei's blade were reduced in were it can't only give a small cut in the skin with no arteries can be cut off and even though the effect of his attacks is no different to the feeling of him slaying them with his real sharp blade.

Slicing without killing them with only a dull blade is one of his technique, Illusion Pain. The feeling of slicing a skin as if it will be serapated from your body even though it isn't, the pain that is inflicted is so painful even though it isn't or to be unconcious even though your not but the illusion can give the feeling of being blacked out even it isn't the case.

(A/N: I'm confused XD what did I just type again?)

"Woah" audience

"Aiya, so he is moving"

"Blood bath is coming"

"This is boring (-_-)"

Ruo Hua Heng looked at the three generals in between her with fascination. She can't help to ask,

"Are the four of you friends?"

Immediately, the three of them looked at her with different expressions. She raised her eyebrows amused.

"Sort of?*flirty grin*/Yes!*smiling showing his white teeth*/No*frowning*" the three men answered in sync

(A/N: You guys probably knew who answered them,right?😅😅😅😅😆)

"Hmmm...nahh I choose the latter" it's obvious that the four of them knows each other

Back to the battle....

Fai Bald was still dealing with the soldiers as he continuosly cast energy balls, injuring quite some enemy soldiers. He looked nervously as their greatest for is getting nearer and nearer to his side even though he retreated hundreds of meters away from him.

Damn it!

Piling his courage to faced the incoming demon by himself as his partner is still battling the enemy's right commander, he riled up his horse facing the enemy's direction.

I'm gonna beat by you myself,Shu Wei!

Shu Wei in the midst of slicing the soldiers who bravely come up on his front noticed few meters away from him the general who threw energy ball at him a while ago. He smiled coldly as he enticed what will the other general do to him.

I hope that ball will be appetizing than the previous one those two old fools are still hungry

(A/N: I wonder who are those two old fools?😶)

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now