Space ring

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Wuxia finally stabilized her thoughts and look to her right and left hand guard that her supposed to be father gave to girl she was possessing.

"Is your head hurt again?" The mAle with a dark blue robe with a runic design ask anxiously, in her memory this guy is Du Fang her second guard

(Wuxia will be called as Rou Hua Heng)

Rou Hua Heng shakes her head and smile a bit to him.

Yes kid so don't make any ugly expressions

Du Fang was relieved and he glares outside the window.

"That shameless Bao che dares to bully our mistress like this pei! Pei!(Pei means an insult like spitting on.someone I think^^) he's shameless!" Du Fang swears and as a chatter box he is Du Fang continues on insulting Bao che and his ancestors as Ruo Hua Heng watch him amused, she remembered her cousin Baobao. Du Fang and her Baobao have the sAme personality , she suddenly misses her past life and look at her second guard with her forlorn eyes but quickly changed it to her usual amused stare.

"Du Fang! stop swearing, mistress will get a headache because of you" the other guy clad in black with the same runic scolded Du Fang who shuts his mouth pouting , he must be Chen Diyu her first guard

Whew! A hotty...

"Its alright Heng (she is pertaining herself) is actually amused and I'm not that injured to the point I can't walk" Hua Heng reassured waves her hands not considering her hands are wrap in bandages making Du Fang and Chen Diyu more anxious.

"Their mistress is sure hyper! Can she be more careful to her body? Why is she wAving her injured arms with no pain? So scary..

Du Fang and Chen Diyu left after conforming if she is fine. After they left Ruo Hua Heng jumps from her bed as she moves her body parts to check if there is pain but nothing came. She's glad that the body is healthy but she's also curious on how her body healed if she remembered correctly Ruo Hua Heng's body is gravely injured probably crippled but her body miraculously healed after she transported. After thinking for a minute she quickly toss it aside and analyse this world she transported .

This is World are all consist to Yinyang where everything has power, everything has powers consisted of Yinyang . Yinyang are pair but opposites in power , white power and black power these two powers revolves everyday on this world everyone have powers but different in ranks.

White power or Yang energy can learn healing techniques, they heals faster and more accessible in the nature while black powers are not but the disadvantage is they are weak in terms of strength and can't last long in a battle.

That is why this girl lost and so weak even though she knows martial arts

Black power or Ying energy users can increase their stamina power by folds while white can't and they more suitable in battle fields, martial arts and hard works but despite of having enermous power they can't heal themselves and they must rely on the Yang users or healers .

Both powers were both important and also they need each others to survive.

Even you have much power if their health is unstable they will die.

Even you have healthy body and healing powers if you are weak, you will also die.

Both strong and weak have disadvantages huh...

Magical beasts were also exists here and also the most dangerous opponents of mankind. Normal beasts were easily handle but an evolve beasts with intelligent mind were the most deadly type to handle.

This world is so similar to novels... Wait....did I probably transmigrated in a novel?!

The kingdom she was serving called Guo the strongest kingdom on this era, the other stronger kingdoms are the kingdom of Fu and the kingdom of Quo while the other kingdoms the Meng,Yang,Bei,Long,and Shu.

Just like the ancient type they follow rules where strong can reach the sky while the weak will be the peasants who will be the stepping stones of the strong. The stronger you were the higher you will be respected by above while the weaker will suffer.

In this world also have mysterious beast and plants just like the novel's Wuxia reads on her past life. Their Yinyang power can be determined what color is their power will be if they turned 10 years old and can be determined by levels 1 to 100+ . Ruo Hua Heng's test determined that her Yinyang power is white and her level is only average Level 30 during the General examination. Lastly, they have dimensional rings,bag,and pouches that are worth more treasures just for one dimensional item.

Rou Hua Heng snaps her attention on her hands checking if she has her own dimensional ring. Her obsadian eyes twinkled like the shining stars in the night making her image like goddess of the moon showing her interests.

" I have one too! Yes!" She rejoice as she rubs her ring like it is her most treasured toy

Her ring was sculpted as a Dragon coiling forming a ring shape, its whole body are made of the purest silver. Even though it's design are average but the most enchanting are the red ruby eyes . Because of its simplyness Ruo Hua Heng like it more and more she touch her ring and focus her energy to it. She felt something that her body was being sucked so she opens her eyes and gasps.

What the check?! This is ring is not ordinary ah!

I thought this is only for storing things but why their is a wide space of green grassland and a sky?!

This ring is so scary ah! So shocking 🤯

She never though that she have the rarest kind of dimensional ring that is owned by the great being.

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :O


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