121- Sea

233 18 2

At dawn, three big ships belonging to the governor set sail. The loud horn was the signal for the three fleets to go to their designated location. Inside those ships , no one will think that only raw goods and passengers are inside but deep inside those ships contain smuggled people ready to be slaved by noble people who have evil thoughts.

Shu Wei and others started to sail an hour ago and were still sailing,going to their designated hiding place. The sun finally disappeared and the blue sea becomes black and dark looking like a black abyss capable of swallowing anyone who falls into it and never comes back. Shu wei's ships arrived and set everything for the plan.

Mu Qing and Tao Tong were also there with their original look and uniform. Everyone in the ship was still surprised and looked at them in awe. They can't believe they will fight alongside the 4 renowned generals of the empire.

" They are really powerful!"

"For sure this battle will be easy. We have the four strongest generals on our side!"


" They are not 4 exactly? You are missing one''

"Eh? There are five people aside from the four renowned pillars, another general was included"

"Who? But I just saw a female one. I thought she was a noble here?"

"You silly old man what female ? Your eyes are so blurry you can't distinguish what a man or a woman is? That female you saw is General Rou Shufen, the eldest son of the retired general Rou. He is a MAN"

"Don't accuse me you single virgin! My eyes are not blurry and how can a man so beautiful like him? I bet you also see him as a woman eh? "


"Heh! You see?! That general is so beautiful like a woman. I am more surprised that the eldest son of general Rou can join the four generals."

"You're late in the news. You didn't watch how powerful general Rou was from the battle of the fittest. Not only did he show how he is on par with them, he also showed that the Rou clan is not falling apart because the patriarch lost back then."

" General Rou was rumored having a yin yang power which was classified as weak but he showed all that having a weak constitution doesn't make people not to be strong ah"

" The emperor was wise!''

MuQing & Tao Tong was listening and both snorted.

" Their gossips are amusing" Tao Tong said

" Not bad these people are well informed especially to our new companions. Hey Tao, how come you become so friendly with him easily? I remember you're not that type of person who transforms into a friendly puppy when you're with someone. " Mu Qing said as he looked interestingly towards him

" Eh? You think I'm not friendly to everyone? " Tao Tong appeared in shock

"Heh, you? The famous human crasher, friendly? I remember a silver rank general who wants to get closer to you but only to find out you almost pulverized his ribs after a duel? Also, I didn't remember you as a clingy person to others as what your showing to General Rou" Mu Qing said

" How mean! How can you say I am only clingy to Rourou? I'm also clingy towards all of you ah. And that silver guy is asking for a beating. " Tao Tong cheerfully replied as he looked at Mu with a happy face

"Aish don't look at you with your happy fake ass looking expression . "- Mu

"Heh" Tao Tong face twisted to something but immediately put his usual expression

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now