Pirates (3)

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Hua Heng decides that she will not return for a day in the inn because she wants to investigate the Governor's ships. From the numbers of mercinaries and the big boxes aboard the ships her conclusion of the Governor is correct.

Hua Heng decides not to return to the inn for a day because she wants to investigate the Governor's ships. Her conclusion about the Governor is correct based on the number of mercenaries and the large boxes aboard the ships.

Darya's Governor is a crooked politician. If it's in Hua Heng's way back in her own world, she wants to end the mission early by killing the Governor directly and presenting the evidence she discovered inside the Governor's ship, but she still lacks the authority, power, and recognition.

She still requires more evidence that cannot allow the Governor and his clan to escape. The sky darkens and the sailing continues uninterrupted, but the people on board were more active than during the day. The mercenaries were everywhere, especially near the big boxes, while the others were patrolling or chatting with one another over beers.

Hua Heng was currently on the ship's lookout tower, where it is used to look out into the sea to see if any other ships or pirates were approaching. Hua Heng knocks out the mercenary assigned to the lookout tower, and she is now looking down on the mercenaries as they enjoy their booze.

" These mercenaries are enjoying their time too much should I make a sleeping gas to knock them all out?"

*Master even you want to knock them out we are lacking some plants for making a sleeping gas and i don't even know the formula of making one*

That's sad and nevermind we will make one after I level up again


Hua Heng continue to look down until she saw her target.The man she knockout a while ago was drinking merrily along with two other men beside the big cargo.

"Hehehe I knew this man is incharge of looking out today" Hua Heng is preparing to sneak and knock them all out but in the corner of her eyes she saw something in the sea

She turned her head towards to the sea and fixed her gaze on the huge boulder. All of the people on board the ship were unaware, but Hua Heng immediately noticed that something, most likely a ship, was hidden behind the large rock.

"Is it a pirate ship?" Hua Heng's thought was confirmed when a small ship appeared behind the rock.

Like a hunter approaching his prey quietly. The pirate ship sailed stealthily towards Hua Heng's direction, making no loud noises. Hua Heng was more alert and cautious now that an unpected encouter of pirates will descend into the ship in a few minutes.

"That governor hired far too many mercinaries in case of pirate invasion, huh? But if it's just ordinary pirates, why hire so many skilled people to fight them? 20 are enough skilled mercinaries to handle the situation "Hua Heng, on the other hand, was in her head.

" Should I inform these cretins-?" She was contemplating on giving them a warning but-

"OY!! GIVE US MORE BOOZE RIGHT NOW! WE ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY!" The guy Hua Heng beat up yelled loudly in a slurred voice

"We should have more booze than those fools because we're the ones guarding these big boxes ah," the other guy hiccuped as he drank the last of his alcohol in his cup.

"No, these dimwits don't deserve to be warned, and let pirates wake them up hehehe." Hua heng turned her gaze to the approaching silent ship, anticipating the exciting encounter of the night.

The four generals have just returned, and just like the other day, they all arrived at the same time, but they have noticed that one of them is still missing.

"Rou rou still not back yet?" Tao tong looked around trying to find his friend's sillohuette

" Maybe she discovered something and won't be coming back today anyways let's go in I'm hungry" Mu Qi shrugged and walked off

Others came in as well, wanting to rest ,and eat without regard for Hua Heng's whereabouts. They knew he could defend himself even if they didn't know where he was. Just after their meal, the generals meet back in the meeting room, as usual. After discussing and Wen Ping taking notes all of what they talk about. They were about to go to there room when Tao Tong looked at Shu Wei.

"Do you know where General Rou right now?" he ask

"A Hunch....He is currently in the sea" Shu Wei sips his tea

"Sea? Why go there? Is there an underground seabase? Tao Tong's eyes gleam in excitement thinking that therr is an interesting place under the sea

"Idiot,what he means that General Rou board one of the Governor's business ship" Mu Qing snickered and preparing to go out

"Where you going?"-Tao

"What else? To enjoy my nightlife ah"Mu Qing smirked

"Hmph, another pig on the loose" Wen Ping shuts his book and walk out

"Huh?! Come say that again to me who's the pig? Your the pig your entire family is a pig!" as usual Mu Qing angrily followed and the two starts a round of insulting each other

Tao Tong scratch his head and walk out going towards the kitchen to request alcohol while Shu Wei stayed and enjoy his tea.

Thank you for reading😊✌💗

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