113-Commencement of operation (2)

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Five people are sitting at the round table in the meeting room, all with serious expressions as they discuss the issue they are now addressing. Hua Heng finished her report and began to gather the point of view and opinions of her comrades. 

"Hmph! You looked like you enjoyed your trip" Tao Tong pouts

"Finally having a good lead to track," Wen Ping said 

" Comrade Rou, good job!" Mu Qing winks at her 

"Well done, General Rou" Shu Wei commended as he sips his tea

" Then how's all your investigation?"- Hua

" I caught more thugs and visited all their hideouts too. Most of them are dealing with human trafficking but their intels just told me it is not connected to the governor but they were under a syndicate" Mu Qing reported first

"Syndicate? Then it must be big" - Hua

"Your right"- Wen

"Oh, does this group can pose a high-level threat to the empire?"-Hua

"Not really but they were too cautious enough that their illegal trades can still pass the empire's security but it is enough for the empire to take actions"- Wen

"Well if they have political connections it is easy for them to pass through. Does this syndicate have a name?"-Hua


"Chameleons syndicate is well known in human trafficking. They were also very cautious and good at hiding their illegal transactions especially if they have a political backer that serves to cover them and their transactions. They are a famous band of criminals who love to do illegal business mostly selling humans/demi-humans as slaves in all parts of the country and other empires" Wen Ping gives his report

" I went back to the brothel and ask for more. The girl named, An Yi, told me that most of the girls working in the brothel as well as in the other brothels here are purchased from slave traders. An Yi girl also told me that the man who sold her had a tattoo of a reptile. She didn't remember what kind of animal it is but she is confident that it is a reptile type" Tao Tong informed

"Reptile....then there is a possibility that reptile tattoo is a chameleon then for sure the syndicate behind  the Governor is the Chameleons syndicate"- Mu Qing

All of them agreed in their minds as they are also thinking the same thing. Now they have a good lead and hard pieces of evidence, Hua Heng and her group can now start a proper plan on how to capture the governor in the act as well to capture the syndicate behind him in one swoop. Shu Wei looked at Hua Heng. 

"You did say that there this group of pirates that is hell bend on capturing all the cargo of governor, yes?" Shu Wei asks

"Yes and I think this group can help us too. They were also capable enough when in terms of fighting and planning based on the fact that they always knew the day and time the cargo ships owned by the governor is sailing." Hua Heng confidently said

" We still need more pieces of evidence that can prove to the citizens of Darya. " -Shu

"But is the cargo ship of the governor not enough?"- Tao

" It is roughly enough but we need more convincing pieces of evidence to show to the citizens here and to the palace, especially as the governor's clan and the political people involved with them will not just stay still. Most of the business owners and citizens here in Darya were too brainwashed by the governor. We need more solid proof for both sides to shut up without putting a complaint." -Shu Wei

All of them nodded their heads toward Shu Wei as they talk more about what to do. Hua Heng who is still looking at her leader can't help to ask.

" I thought you were the type of guy who talks less and sips tea all day long."- Hua

"Hmmm" Shu Wei only narrowed his eyes and sipped his tea.

"....You really love your tea" Hua Heng huffs and decides to participate in the debate between Mu Qing and Wen Ping while Tao Tong is busy writing the report they all gather

" Why it is I have to write all of your reports? Do all of you have no hands? I don't want to write (T^T)" Tao Tong whines

" Just shut up and do your role, Tongtong" Hua Heng teases

"Hmph! How mean of you! Your report is too much. I don't want to write yours"- Tao

"Like it or not you have to write"- Hua

After 2 hours the generals decide to their respective rooms to rest. One thing is for sure Hua Heng managed to get approval to have an alliance with the pirates.

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