General Shu Wei

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Rou Hua Heng left the dimension, leaving her newly contracted supreme beast behind wailing. When she opens her eyes, she looks around the room for the bathroom, spotting a simple wooden door and opens it.

The bathroom is designed in the style of an ancient Chinese bathroom in her world, with most of the furniture being constructed and carved out of wood. Hua Heng was relieved to see that the bathtub was large enough for her to soak and relax in, but her expression soured when she saw the toilet.

After locking her door and windows, she removes her garments one by one, exposing her unspoiled white skin, despite the fact that she still had some minor injuries that still hasn't ruined her skin. A bundle of fabric is wrapped around her chest below her shoulders.

No wonder I can't fill my blobs hmph!

Warm water and red scented flowers have been already poured to the tub. She dunks herself and exhales a sigh of contentment.

"Finally a nice bath for a lady! this lady is so stiff ah look my shrunken boobs is finally showing its blossoms," she whines as she looks at her chest that is still tightly wrapped with bandages.

"Should I take it off?"

She got up after an hour and dressed herself as a charming and handsome man (A/N: Rou Hua Heng is imagining again).

Finally, she wore her black armaments and fled with her spear which was owned by her brother.

In her memory the army camp is resided on the back of the flat mountain she is in, that camp was given by the emperor. It was a flat wide desolated camp with many trees surrounding it which isolated the place from other camps . Thinking of it, Rou Hua Heng was happy because she and her army have more privacy than the others.

She goes to the horse ward and pulls her black stallion horse and rode off. If they see Rou Hua Heng now, their eyes might very well flare wide in their sockets if they saw the weak and timid General that is always lowering her head whenever she saw someone ahead is now riding her black horse with no problems and laughing with her Phoenix eyes flowed with so much vibrancy while she appreciates her moment riding her stallion.

Even Hua Heng concealed herself excessively; her attractiveness is just too transparent, making her more feminine and androgynous that is capable of making any man want to go wild.

Ruo Hua Heng was passing through the trees when she felt something a miss. She quickened her pace when a quick like lightning arrow sprung towards her from the dark bushy side.

She raised her eyebrow.

An ambush?

She casually shielded her head with her spear, the arrow struck the spear, but the shaft abruptly altered trajectory, returning to the bushy side. Hua Heng comes to a halt and stares menacingly at the bushes, as if she is looking at someone.

"Show yourself! Who are you?"

After a minute of waiting, she became bored and resumed her stride when the person for whom she was waiting did not appear. She is too lazy to learn more and promptly fled after huffing. Hua Heng had the impression that the person who was hiding didn't intend to hurt her in the first place.

Meanwhile, after Rou Hua Heng had left, the dark bushes began to move, and a figure dressed in a dark blue green robe emerged. His dark hair was simply tied with a modest golden crown. His dark blue green eyes glanced at the woods where the individual went while holding a bow and arrow.

There's a little bit of blood that came out from his palm but the man didn't even feel it.

"Is he really the trash bronze General? I think those rumors are completely false ...... how interesting" he said amused

The person who fires the arrow towards Hua Heng is one of Guo's four pillars, the gold rank General, Shu Wei, also known as the Gentle General and the Devil of the Battlefield.

At that time, Shu Wei didn't know that he trespass to the territory camp of an army after completing his mission but he didn't expect that the route he decide to part take, he heard the hooves of the horse galloping towards his direction.

Thinking that the enemy possibly followed him he hides his own horse on the back of a big wide tree and he hides himself on the bushes.

When he senses that the enemy is near and went past his hiding place, he clutched his bow and threw the arrow as he aimed it to the enemy's head.

The arrow was fast like lightning as it flew towards the target, but Shu Wei didn't expect that the enemy easily deflect it with the side of his spear and change its direction to his.

He grabbed the arrow with his bare hand, his eyes narrowing as he frowns, the arrow's blade slicing his palm, and blood begins to flow from the injury.

He didn't move as he sensed that the enemy is dangerous. As he expected the man stops and turned around at his direction, looking the enemy's face Shu Wei froze.

Dressed in black robes, the man's body is slender, his arms are not thick, as every man ought to be, but also not thin, as a woman's, and his long black ponytailed hair looks silky to the touch. But most of all, the man's face was breathtaking.

He is not an enemy but the renowned bronze General, Rou Hua Shufen

But... He is not weak as the rumors said

"Show yourself! Who are you?" he heard the General's threatening voice ordering him to come out but he didn't come out until the other left with a snort

He chuckles, grinning as he discover the famous bronze General's secret and comes out from his hiding place.

"The sheep among the packs of wolves is actually a cunning fox"

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now