Stealing Land

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I'm going out for two weeks T-T I have to study the dooms day is coming!!!!XD

So I can't post again for another two weeks (°^°)(T^T)

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Rou Hua Heng's army is the last to arrived and now marching to their camp destination, in the most bottom part of the camps of copper warriors. While marching they can't help to itch because of the mocking stares of others. But their General and commanders are calm so the others can only balled their fist and inhale.

Just all of you wait soon our General will smack and beat all of you until all of you beg and call them "Uncle!" Ah!

If the six people heard them, they will probably spurt blood and smack them on the head;

"Uncle my foot! Whose you're uncle ah?!

The group of men and *ahem* Woman (°3°) finally saw where they will camp for a while. They sucked their breath as their faces turns green.

"Pah! What kind of land is this?!" Yu Heng angrily growls

" This is not suitable to put camp ah even a dog don't want to shit on this piece of crap land!" Du Fang grip his twin blade swords as if going to slash someone

The other's also curses and look grimly in front . The land's soil is dark as if it was poured with dark oil,many sharp rocks are lying and also they see feces of animals or humans everywhere creating foul odours that can make anyone vomit. Little did they know those malicious warriors create those dirty and disgusting things to make their camp unsuitable as they laugh evilly when they saw Heng's army dark faces.

"General, the land is unsuitable for creating a camp, what will we do next?" The calm Chen Diyu ask but his eyes held dark

Hua Heng who didn't even show a reaction of what happen to their located camp and didn't even go down from her beautiful black beauty.(she is referring to her stallion beast) Her presence was calm and devoid with coldness among the heated presence of her subordinates. Her warriors are looking at her gripping their weapons as if waiting her to give an order and they will probably spreads wide and beat those evil people who ruined there land. Hua Heng sigh inside as she stared at her warriors like a worried mother looking at her eager sons.

Did I just spoil them a little bit too much ah? So hit blooded and couldn't wait the perfect timing heh

Her midnight coloured eyes twinkled with a hint of evil mirth and coldness, her red lips curve into a sinister smirk as she pulled the reins of her horse and her cold alluring voice resonated to the ears of her warriors.

"They ruined our land then why not kill a chicken to warn the dogs and cats for awhile before smacking them to their deaths , DU FANG! CHEN DIYU! Follow me!"

The two come in front, one is yapping like he just won a prize while the other is calm but his hands were shaking due to an excitement. Hua Heng can't help to snicker as she look at the pitiful looks of the other warriors and her three commanders (Yu Heng, Ren Mo,Ren Ma) giving off because she didn't call them to face off the enemies.

She and her two commanders run off to the front of the royal family's stage. The others are looking mockingly at them and sneering.

"Pah! This General wants to complain to his majesty! How daring ah!"

"How thick skinned! As if his majesty will take actions to them ah!"

"They're just a low rank army with a General whose rank is at the bottom hahaha!"

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