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Hua Heng steps back putting a space between her and the owner who suddenly appears Infront of them.

'' Is he waiting for us? "Everyone said on their minds

" Welcome back" Cai Fei greeted them all with a mysterious smile

After being baffled by the foxy owner's strange behavior, Shu Wei instructed everyone to take a short break before the meeting began at 8 p.m.

The five generals went to their respective rooms, oblivious to the owner, who is now complaining about how cold and rude they are.

After seeing that all of his guests had left, the owner's face changed again, and after one minute, four shadows quietly entered through the door wearing dark clothes and masks.

"Speak" he coldly commands

"Shu Wei and Mu encountered thieves which they interrogated after beating them, I think those people have useful information" Erhu reported

" Although

"Wen Ping... He goes to a shop...a man went to him with bad intention but ended up being beaten him" Erha can't elaborate anymore because he didn't go inside the shop considering the shop is small and he can be easily spotted by the sensitive boy

"Hmmm... What about your side, Lian and Bai" - Owner Cai

".... Tao Tong and Rong Shufen went inside the Blossom building" Bai reported

"Speak clearly"- Owner Cai

"We mean is both generals went into a brothel" Xiulan clarified

"Seems this team had a decent way to collect information, not like the other who picked up thugs and thieves for information," Cai Fei said


" They somehow convinced 4 well-known prostitutes to go with them on a private room"- Lian Jia

"Ohohoho? Interesting... I wonder did they do it? '' -Owner cai

" It? "the five people ask

" What I mean did they do some sexual play to get information, you darlings are well experienced ah"-Owner Cai

(>//////<) - 5 people

"W-we don't know... But I think they didn't do it because they get out of the room after an hour..." Bai Yu said with red cheeks

"B-but we saw the girls blushing and looked at General Rou with lust and yearning..." Lian Jia added

"Hmph! I think General Rou didn't do anything to them" Bai Yu immediately said with his face pouting

Everyone turned to look at the pouting assassin with a knowing look.

"Oho? Bai Yu, I didn't know you're into guys with scars" Cai Fei smirked as he teased

"Master you know I hate guys with defects okay but... But General Rou's scar is fake and... And I saw his face his true face!" Bai Yu can't help to blush as he babbled

"Eh? How do you know his true face... Wait... Bai yu you sneaky fox... Did you stalk him?" Erhu said with a surprising look

"This is the first time our little Bai has stalked someone of his own will. Indeed, our little Bai is fearless." Erha and Lia Jia teased

Cai Fei, the owner, only smirked and dismissed his people to rest. He went to the kitchen's Hall to inform the chef to make sumptuous dinner for the generals.

He enters his office and sits in his chair, beginning to do his paperwork. He sneered as he signed some documents, remembering Bai Yu's blushing face.

"If only he knew that general is a woman probably that darling of mine will be devastated hehe" he deviously laugh waiting for the day he can watch his little darling assassin's priceless face

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now