Winners and feast

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Hi! I thank you again for reading my novel!^^
Here's the other chapter
I hope all of you enjoyed it neh

The battle between the three pillars ended in a draw where the three of them were declared as the winners and then the crowd and the royals dispersed as the day ended. Hua Heng and her people also went to their own temporary camp.

"Aiya! This day is so great! I can still feel the stupid reactions of those people hahahaha!"

''Right! Right! Did you saw how ugly their General Bao Che's soldiers faces are when out General beats their general into a pig hahahaha!"

"Serves them right! Their general serves that beating ah! He is so arrogant!"

"A bully deserves his outcome!"

"Karma is really biting their assets hard this time hahahah"

"Our General is powerful those people are just ants on his eyes ah"

"Ahhhhhhhh! Finally I can taste the sweet flavour of victory! General Rou is so admirable! Finally taking of his sheep's skin after two years of pretending ah! General has a lot of patience! So great!''

"General is so strong and a genius! To think that in spun of three months he change us from weak to strong *weeps tears* General I want to marry you!" A 30 year old soldier with a cross crossed scar on his faced said as he make a shameless kissy face to infront of their General

Rou Hua Heng was in the middle of drinking as she enjoys the praises of her minions *ahem* subordinates when she heard the old soldier's shameless  love confession, she spurts the water inside her mouth and begins to cough loudly. She looked at the soldier with a glare as she raised her brow.

''Ah Pui! Hmph! Don't bother asking I will not marry an oldy guy like you ah! This general has a bigger appetite and only interested in beautiful flowers with big mountains and plump kissable lips not a mascular man with hard chest, rough lips and smelly pig like you guys! So keep dreaming!" She sneered playfully making the others laugh while the 30 yrs old soldier make an ugly pout as he tries to act cute

"Pei! Gong Chu! Stop that! You're ugly in the first place but youre making yourself uglier if you keep pouting hahahahaha!" Du Fang laugh as well as the others

Gong Chu glared playfully at his commander, even though that his commander is younger than him, still he respects Du Fang and admire him for being a commander in such young age and also due that Du Fang is more stronger than him in terms of strength and power ah. How can he dare to insult a commander with his current ah!

"Ah! Commander is laughing at this old man because I'm  so ugly boohoo! Just because your a little bit handsome you can boast around ah! General's butt is more handsome than your face hehehe"

"You-" before Du Fang can retort Chen Diyu swung his hand to Du Fang's mouth

"Stop brooding like peacocks and lets prepare" he said

"Pui! Diyu! Stop putting your hand on my mouth pei! You hand is so rough ,smelly like rusted irons! Pei!"Du Fang angrily spit

"What do we prepare?" Mo Ran innocently ask

Chen Diyu and the others looked at him with a look of your an idiot!

"We have to prepare foods and booze! Ah! You bird brain!" Yu Heng haughtily said

"I'm not a bird brain! Your the bird brain! You're family is a bird brain!"

"Hmph! Bird brain!"

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