Loose One Luckily I Have Two(3)

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Wen Ping retract all his swords and reformed the two remaining swords into a bigger and wider sword. He jumped and stand on it and gathered the three remaining swords scattering them round him.

His green eyes glowed brighter and colder.

Hua Heng on the side whose watching the brat narrowed her eyes and smirked.

Finally he is getting serious on fighting me

If he still didn't showed his true strength I must used some tricks to force him ah

Seeing her opponent gets serious this time, Hua Heng like a cat stretch her limbs, cracking her shoulder, hands, and arms in preparation for battle.

A red light illuminates the three swords of Wen Ping signifying the energies flowed inside.

How envious!

Can I also put my energies on my spear or arrows?

*You already did, Master*

Eh? When?

*Hmph! Remember your battle with Bao Che Guy ah*

Ohhh... I see.. But I'm interested on this ones energy cause it can controlled things like puppets

*Clang!! *

The clamor of swords ranged, Hua Heng with her hands holding two short swords battled the three controlled swords. She defends herself as she continuously charged towards the location of the controller with a mysterious grin in her face.

Her hands danced like snakes and in her last strike she changed from defending to a full force attack. Using her right leg she kick the first incoming sword sending it far away to be plunged into a tree, she blocked the two incoming swords with her own.

Sweats were trickling down on Wen Ping's forehead as he seems having a hard time dealing with his opponents.

"This guy is too damn nimble! Damn it! '' Wen Ping's obvious annoyance is showing as his face is darkening

His hands which is still  dancing into the air is slightly getting numb while his opponent looks like its getting faster and more nimble.

Seeing Hua Heng advancing towards his direction, Wen Ping elevate himself higher and unconsciously took a step back which is very uncommon for him to do.

Hua Heng saw her target  roused higher, her brows raised and her lips formed an arc.

Hehehe he actually took a step back did I intimidate him that much?

Well seeing him being cautious at me then it's a great advantage

Alas! My sore arms  are not wasted

I should double my effort then

With a determined look Hua Heng finally release her own energy and tried to flow it to her two short sword.

Suddenly,her steps frozed as her eyes widens in surprise for a second before she blocked again the persistent  incoming blade.

Eh? This is weird only 35 percent of my energy was absorbed?


*Master? *

Why I can't put my full energy on my weapons!?

*Probably your weapons now is not high quality enough just like your spear*

So I can't fully use my energy on these two because they are not the same as my spear, right? Is it require to use high quality weapons to fully use my energies is that it?

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