Return Of Glory---Summoned

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The two women's plan on enjoying their tie together was now ruined by being forced to join by a certain green haired man. Looking at the cold and scary entrance, everyone looked to Tao Tong with dumbfounded look in each of their faces.

*smack! *

"Why did you take us here?! You want to gamble?!" Wen Ping was furious as he starts to smack the bigger guy next to him

Tao Tong who clearly didn't feel the pain of the book smacking on his body looked at them with bright puppy eyes and cutely smiled.

" Don't look at us with that puppy eyes of yours!" Wen Ping


Hua Heng can't help to talk inside her brain, her concealed face shows a frown. Her best friend was also silent because she is still looking at the entrance's placard.

" Why did you take us here in Ance?" Hua Heng's freezing voice finally ask

"Hmm? I don't even know why my wind takes us here hahahha" Tao Tong honestly answered in which making everyine speechless

All:''.......... "

" I DO T KNIW HOW THE TAO CLAN MANAGED TO RAISE A STUPID BIG IDIOT LIKE YOU! "Wen Ping finally can't hold his anger from being disrupted on his reading time and attention and swooping him in a place he didn't want to go in a moment. The red haired boy unleashed swords from his ring and shoot them towards the culprit of his ruined day.


"Hahahahaha Aw! Sorry, Xiao Gui (little demon) Aiyo! Put these swords down you really want to kill me?!" Tao Tong was evaded the shooting swords while requesting mercy on his friend

"NO!" Wen Ping looked like yama continue to dance his sword around his usual aloofness and cold air vanished and replaced by fuming anger and killing intent

Seeing that the show of the two was creating attention Hua Heng finally acted out as a peacemaker even though she didn't want the fuming brat to stop but for the sake of not causing a scene which involved of murdering a certain son of an influencial family due to his idiocy, she must intervined.

After calming the two down the four looked at each other with rational thinking. Tao Tong even though he looked like a handome idiot, he genuinely apologised, the already calm Wen Ping only rolled his eyes and huff.

"Since we don't have a common place to go I have to excuse myself first" Wen Ping really wants to leave and go to his room and read his book, it is better to be ranted by his commander than being dragged in a place only to find nothing

Hua Heng and Ning Xi also agreed silently and looked at the smiling big man. Looking at him with a message.

Leave also but don't drag us look

But before they tmcan leave separately they hear a loud shout of a man.

"What's going on?" They looked on the entrance and saw a tall and beautiful older woman clad in green elegant hanfu clenching a rope

They followed the rope and saw there is a black haired man that was tied with it shouting profanities and struggling to break free from the rope.

"You cross dressed bastard! Let me free! Ahh! I'm gonna kill you if I break  this! Stinking bastard! Fox! You gay!" the man that was tied keep insulting as he tries to break the rope with with energy but still he can't undo the thick rope

The tall woman's face becoming darker and darker as the man keeps insulting him. His hand holding the rope holding it tightly and with a force of his energy(*energy-means his power, magic like that 😂) he pulled the rope hard forcing the angry man to fall into the ground and continued  walking pulling the man that is still can't get up from  the ground.

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