Small Green Turtle

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Wen Ping succeeded in getting the other General's Flag with his quick thinking while the latter is saved from falling carelessly by one of the twin commanders. Wen Ping stabilised his sword and flew meters  away from the other General's incase the still joking Hua Heng suddenly jump and slash his way again to get their stolen flag.

Seeing the brat's flying away from her grasp, Hua Heng clicked her tongue jumps from Mo Ran's embrace.

"Eh... What to do? My Flag is stolen away by a small general" she pouts and says her words loudly but her eyes are blazing with irritation probably from her own carelessness and her underestimation on Wen Ping'S intelligence

"Don't worry, General they only took one but we got double right?" Mo Ran tried to reason out as he cheered her not knowing that the cunning fox is just playing

Wen Ping shoots a dagger like glare towards her as he heard clearly what she said about him. His annoyance towards the Hua Heng increased.

" Not only she was annoying like Wu ja but also a fox! How frustrating! Hmph! He really dares to call this one small general even though he is lower rank than me!" Wen Ping can't help to vent his anger and stomp his foot on the sword a few times before he angrily sent one sword fast towards Hua Heng

The others also heard what Hua Heng called about Wen Ping and can't help to pursed tigthly their already smirking lips especially Wu Ja who proudly and smugly agreed at Hua Heng's insult about his small general.

Wu ja and the others knows that all of them didn't fully used their full strength against each other especially generals like Wen Ping. Other than displaying full percent on physical movements, their is an invisible rule in every game and that is not to used full energy strength.

The Emperor announced long long ago that Imperial soldiers and generals only have display their full physical strength and wits and using less of their born yinyang energies in every Royal Games. The Emperor also decreed  that only in times of real battles against country enemies and foes will all soldiers and General's can use their yinyang energy fully and in every other means just to defeat the enemy no matter what ploy they have except plotting against your comrades.

Mo Ran using his short sword deflect the incoming sword and stood Infront of Hua Heng.

"Mo Ran, get ready for plan B"

"Huh? Plan B?"

"Yes, plan B and you go and call your twin now and here" Hua Heng fished out a small blue ball  from her space and put it on the other's hand

"Eh? What's this?"

" If I shout you to throw it, immediately throw that thing on the two enemy commanders, got it?"


"Don't ask more or I punch you! Now go and i have to deal that brat  remember also that after throwing that thing immediately dart on the Forest" Hua Heng pats Mo Ran's back loudly causing the young man to winced

"Now shoo! Your back is blocking that brat's view"

Mo Ran quickly followed his General's order and darted on his twin's direction while Hua Heng pulled out again three shurikens and throws it on the brat's location before she starts to run fast intending to go near Wen Ping'S close range.

Even though the shurikens are fast enough but due to the great distance Wen Ping easily deflect the three and controlled his three swords to continuesly attack the incoming enemy General.

"Little General don't casually fire your swords at me! It's not even hitting the target!" Hua Heng shouted teasingly as she avoids the swords

"Don't be so cocky because your just a little bit taller than me" Wen Ping can't help to reply in anger as he continuesly attack the nimble General

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