Mei Mei

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Rou Hua Heng was transported inside her dimensional ring and was surprised because she had no idea her ring was a valuable top ranked dimensional ring, a legendary ring with mysterious space.Her ring was so valuable that everyone wanted it, even if it meant fighting to the death.

Ain't this girl so lucky? Unfortunately it's too late for her to know hayst

Seeing the enigmatic side of the ring made Rou Hua Heng immensely happy, despite her amazement at what she was seeing in the world she was drawn into. Nonetheless, she must adapt to this world or die without knowing how she died. Even though she grew up in a modern society and was exposed to various advanced technologies such as flying boards, cars, and robots. Back then, she learned that a well-known scientific group was also developing dimensional rings.

Staring at the wide greeny place, she sighs. Looking around the dimensional space it didn't have anything beside the wide sky-blue sky, green grasses, trees and a refreshing wind. It's just like a blank canvas without anything painted on it .

If my I rise my level then there is a possibility that tis space will upgrade, right?

I'm so lucky! This body loves to collect antiques. I wonder where did she bought the ring though.

Rou Hua Heng began to inspect her environment again, when she noticed a tiny pink hair creature is coming towards her.

What exactly could this pink flying ball?

Matte...Oh no...

What the-?! The pink flying ball is coming towards me?!

The pink hair belonged to a little girl clothed in red beautiful robes, with some of her hair done in buns adorned with cute flower ornaments and the rest left down. Simply put, the tiny girl flying towards her was adorable! Ruo Hua Heng wishes she could pinch her cheeks till they swelled.

Why is their a cute little girl in here? Is she the guardian ?

"Wahhhhhhh! Finally Mei mei has a master! Banzai! Banzai!"The adorable little girl joyfully cheers as she throws flowers on her head, babbling that she now has a master.

"Eh?"- Hua

Hua Heng wants to know who the cute young girl is, but she can't since it's flying on top of her head, circling her and throwing her unlimited flowers, causing her head to spin.

Ruo Hua Heng annoyingly grab the cute little girl and put her to her lap as she sits down. The cute little girl breaks to her embrace and sits in front of her.

"Hello master I am Meimei, this humble servant greet Master! Welcome to Spirit Dimensional space!" The cute little girl bows cutely at her in dosega style

"New master?! Me?.... Well probably -_- I have the ring"Ruo Hua Heng was amused by the cute lass's personality as she gazed at the cute youngster who was animatedly conversing to her.

"Master what's your name?!"

"Master why are you so late coming here?"

"Do you love Meimei?"

"Master was so beautiful a peerless goddess even she is dressed as a man!"

"Master ahhh! Are you listening to Meimei?!"

Rou Hua Heng couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry because of this adorable lass's mouth.

"How could I respond to your question since you've already spoken so much? ,"Hua Heng said in her thoughts

Raising her eyebrow, her lips parted as she start to reply.

"I will answer all your questions one by one but you have to zip that cute mouth of yours Meimei or else I'm gonna stick it with a tape" she told her and she pouts her mouth and obediently zip her it as her watery brown eyes stared at her making her more adorable than she is a while ago.

"I am Wu... Ruo Hua Heng "she almost told her real name but lucky she stops in the midway

"Ehhh master has a pretty name ah! Master is pretty too even your are dressed in a guy's robes eh are they blind? Why master is dressed in male attire? "The little girl pouts and rants but Hua Heng find it amusing so she amusingly reply

" Heng's mission is to be a general temporarily until my brother become healthy again"-Hua

Meimei turns to her master with her sparkling brown eyes and ask", Meimei wants to ask master, what is master's brother illness is?"

"He was poisoned, that poison is called Myst a slow reacting poison, it can only be dispersed if he can eat the Kuja pill that is what the physician of ours said" she said and also frowned because even though Wuxia from her past was well versed on how to concoct medicines and poisons she didn't know what type of illness and diseases are in these world she can only rely on the previous owners memory.

(A/N: Myst - Myst poison is a slow-acting poison that can kill people slow painful death. It is ingested by inhaling the poison through the mouth or nose in close contact. Myst is a made-up term of mine; it was named that way since the poison itself is in the form of gas. Kuja pill- its a rare pill that cannot be found or created by anyone, the pill is the only one that can cure slow reacting poisons such as the Myst. Kuja pill can be created by apothecary people with highest ranks.)

The little girl jumps up and floats again in the air," Mei mei! Mei mei knows! Mei mei knows that pill!" her eyes glitters

Rou Hua Heng looks at the little girl curiously," You know it?! Where can I find it then? Show master where can I find it"

Meimei laments, "Master, I just know where you can get the book."

"Eh?! I'm not talking about books I want is the pill, Meimei are you joking with this master?!" Rou Hua Heng said, causing MeiMei to sulk and discreetly weep her imaginary tears because of her harsh master.

"Meimei says that she know only where is the book of refining pills, that book is own by my previous master before you" she said bitterly as she flew away from her master with a displeased look

Ruo Hua Heng raised her brows and feeling funny the way her cute little servant throwing a cute tantrums towards her.

So this ring was also owned by others in the past?

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now