The Flag Hunt (2)

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This is my last update for this month😭 I'm terribly sorry for this cause I have busy sched this month 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

The entire plain stage where the five teams standing becomes a huge  virtual forest in front of everyone's eyes. The crowds was in awe again due to the magical creations of the mysterious spirits.

Tall leafy trees, dirt, grasses, leaves and the forest noises created by insects, Hua Heng's eyes where gleaming with fascination as she watched and inspect the virtual forest. The twins like their master were also looking around touching everything things they could find like curious children.

"Hayst, these spirits were so amazing than the scientist in my time ah though in making a virtual reality" she sighs


"Call me, General were not alone"

"Oh... General Shu, should I start scouting the area?" Mo Ran scratch his head as he almost forgot that they were also being watched by others

Their general nods in agreement and with a blink of an eye Mo Ran disappeared from their sight. Leaving his twin Mo Ren, he was ordered by Rou Hua Heng to start making a bonfire.

"General, shouldn't we must not make a fire or else the other teams will know where we are?" Mo Ren looked at her with confused look

Hua Heng who's right now sitting on the ground looked at her cute commander. Her lips curved into a playful grin as her eyes turned mischievous if an observant people looked at her closely they will compare her to a mischievous fox.

Outside the stage.....

Looking intently in the hologram, Two men narrowed their eyes as they watched the smiling masked person closely.  One of them, smiled amusely as if he understood what is happening while the other simply  gazed coldly.

Rou Hua pulled something from her spatial ring and with a wave of her hand, three odd looking things appeared on the ground.

Mo Ran:!!?

Hua Heng : hehehehe

Crowds:?!!!?? Eh?

Its true that Mo Ran knows that his miss had a spatial ring a third tier  grade one that the patriarch gave as a gift to her but getting an item from a spatial ring require seconds or minutes to pull out something in. But their must only need a flick of a hand and the things she wanted to get appeared so fast just a blink of the eye.

(Spatial rings are one of the most treasured items in the yin-yang world as it was created long long ago. Even though high level masters can created a replica of spatial rings but it is not the same quality like the spatial rings created in the past hundred years.

Superior tier-highest grade of spatial rings that have its own little world (not the same with our Fl's ring though) inside the dimensions (This spatial ring was only owned by royals or the emperor)

1st tier- high grade   spatial rings that had a space of three rooms

2nd tier-middle grade spatial rings that had a space of two room

3rd tier- still a middle grade spatial rings but with a space of one room

(All tiers above are the ancient rings or rare rings that only few people owns these kinds and also all the tiers above were priceless)

4th tier- low grade spatial rings made by present high masters with a space of one to two big box

Four odd looking fruits appeared to his miss hands. He speculated that those are fruits by why it looks ugly?

To be reborn as a General in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now